Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
usada hasn't been legit since they let jon jones get a free pass
Indeed "Acceptable levels of (exotic) steroids" was when USADA became clowns. It's one thing if Jones had a commonly available steroid in his body-- the contamination argument makes sense in that case. But having a steroid that was only ever produced as a part of a doping program for East Germany in the 1960's and claiming accidental contamination just flies in the face. No level of that particular steroid should have been deemed acceptable for that reason alone.
Seeing a repeat of this with Conor's current gaming of the system. There's some good articles explaining the loophole USADA created for out-of-testing pool athletes. Essentially Conor can use cattle steroids or whatever he can put in his body and all he has to do is file some paperwork on it, admit to it to USADA, then test clean for a few months (unless a testing exemption is granted) and you can still claim to be a natural tested athlete to the public.
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