MMA Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Now now, there's been a ton of rumors of the last 2 days that they were going to sign Kimbo Slice. Last time Kimbo and Scott Coker got together it was an unmitigated success!

And Coker was officially names president today.

edit: Oh, and predictably the Viacom folks have said they are going away from the tournament format and towards a more traditional format. Which anyone with a brain saw coming after last week's announcements. much for the best thing about the organization.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I find this to be pretty fucking retarded by Gustaffson. The fight was close, it wasn't nearly as controversial as he would like to believe though.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thomas Almeida fought for the Legacy belt last night. I suspect it will be his last fight in Legacy, kid is way too exciting to not be in the UFC.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't seek out the MMA prophet life, the MMA prophet life was thrust upon me.

Seriously though, they have been ravenously scooping up champions from these 3rd tier orgs lately. Like, as soon as they get the belt. A week or three back Kevin Casey(from TUF) and Bubba Bush won belts in smaller orgs about a week apart. Couple days later UFC announced they'd be fighting each other at 175 next month. If you string together a few finishes and win a belt in Legacy or MFC or Cage Warriors etc you are getting a phone call. I didn't include RFA(where Bubba Bush won) because they are essentially an official UFC feeder org. To the point they're the only ones allowed to use an Octagon.

But yeah, Almeida is 17-0 with 17 finishes, only 2 of which went out of round 1 all finishing up with an LFC belt. So yeah this was pretty much a done deal by the time I even mentioned it.


Trakanon Raider
This New Zealand card is low level MMA at its finest. Sloppy as fuck with fast finishes and no name fighters. Heres hoping Te Huna puts the final nail in Marquardt's coffin.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Missed the card, I'm enjoying the fights in gif form=P

Unless I missed one in the last couple weeks that armbar from Nate was the first armbar in the UFC this year. Guys are just too good at defending them now.

But the real highlight of the night was this elite RNC defense.
