Just been watching her training videos.
When she is doing pad work there is no footwork, there is little rotation of her body, hands are low, telegraphing her punches and she is being taught a whole bunch of useless combinations.
Looked like she had only just learned how to use it, there was no variation in the punches, no pinning it, wasn't using it for training head movement, she wasn't even hitting it fast.
Double end bag:
Looked like her first time using it, was too tight - should have had it much looser to work on movement + timing. Looked sloppy hitting it , she was all over the place instead of keeping a good stance with hands up etc. The video I did see where it was loose she barely tapped the bag so it didn't move at all.
Heavy bag:
Same problems as before, ignoring the fundamentals, hands down, crap combinations, about 75% of the punches thrown were speed ones with 0 power.
Shadow boxing:
Looks like she is just throwing punches as fast as possible to look good for the cameras, and because there is nothing to hit she is over extending / over rotating. Isn't treating it like sparring with an imaginary opponent, haven't seen her throwing slow punches or working in front of mirror to analyze her technique.
She has no fundamentals - never been taught to punch properly, terrible footwork, telegraphs and doesn't keep her hands up. She was exposed by Holly Holm, had a year to fix those issues and come back stronger, and she didn't. At this point she is finished in MMA, which is a shame because she is only 29, she should be in her prime.
As for her being remembered as an all time great / hall of famer, she should be. How is she any different from the the one dimensional fighters of yesteryear? Royce Gracie, Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock and Mark Coleman
I think we need to keep in mind that Women's MMA is where Men's was 20 years ago, she has been the poster child and done a lot for MMA. It's just unfortunate and really shitty that she has been called the greatest female athlete of all time, that she could beat Mayweather, Cain Velasquez etc, presumably all to hype female MMA which is great for the sport but she bought in to the hype and it's now caused her to have a huge fall from grace.
Hopefully she is mentally strong enough to realise that her self worth isn't tied to her winning fights because it would be shitty if she spiralled into depression / suicide.