how do you miss that? it was literally 1s after KO^^^ Have no recollection of this ever happening ^^^
Was Cody still out of it or what? Usually they don't let you get near the guy you just KO'd.
how do you miss that? it was literally 1s after KO
I'll just leave this here...
I don't know why Conor is the underdog after we saw how shitty Khabib's stand up was in his last fight.
On another note, that PPV tonight is trash. I'll be surprised if it does 100k buys.
I don't even know if that's a huge problem for Khabib, though. Even if he doesn't get the TD, he may be taking you to the fence and is gonna start working underhooks, wrists, trips, something. And even if you get completely free, you probably just spent all your time/effort on getting free and not striking, and Khabib keeps coming forward.Khabibs TD's is less than 40% sometimes 30% per fight, he gets stuffed a lot.
Conor's only hope is lightning strikes twice and he gets a Jose Aldo 13s, otherwise Khabib does have ok-ish standup but he can take a few cracksConor has had YEARS to prep for Khabib and put together a game plan. Conor's an expert at exploiting small openings and knowing where the fight is going; he has excellent takedown defense because of his anticipation. The Irishman's striking is next level.