Is there no penalty for 'cancelling' a main card fight?
to me it makes sense to fine them X amount of $$ for essentially ruining a card, considering how frequently it has happened for the past dozen or so main events lol
dunno, the fighter is already going to be out a bunch of money. Hunt said he spent $100k before they canceled the fight on him
don't know what is normal
That's pretty shitty. Go look at the record for people who have missed weight this year, and I think it is something like 10-2. Not making weight gives you a huge advantage, and you shouldn't be punished for not fighting someone who did not make the agreed weight.Leslie Smith made weight, her opponent didn't. Leslie refused to fight, got paid show/win $$$, then let go.
Wasn't Smith on the forefront of pushing for a Fighter's Union? And that this was supposed to be the last fight on her contract?Leslie Smith made weight, her opponent didn't. Leslie refused to fight, got paid show/win $$$, then let go.
ufc are employing retards
can't do the basic job of reading a fucking scale?
i think she was trying to use the fight as leverage towards a new contract and they just paid her to see her ass out the door.Wasn't Smith on the forefront of pushing for a Fighter's Union? And that this was supposed to be the last fight on her contract?
[] I'll bet you $10 that the UFC was already looking to cut her somehow because of the Union shizzle, and when Ladd failed weight, that just made it more likely that Smith would lose and that they could let her walk on a loss. Good odds that they weren't going to renew her to begin with. But instead of taking the fight at a disadvantage, she's like "NOOOPE". The UFC then pays her the full fight amount, probably hoping they can count that as fulfilling her contract so they can cut her free. Smith tries to talk them into a new contract to keep fighting, UFC just said "Bye, Felicia" [/
The UFC wants to keep Shiva-chenko, though
i think she was trying to use the fight as leverage towards a new contract and they just paid her to see her ass out the door.
At this point in their careers, GSP wouldn't last a round with Woodley.Miller and Sanchez getting W's was cool. Neal looked great. I missed the Suarez domination. Sterling and Zabit had awesome subs. Didn't expect Tyron going in there and whooping ass like that. Till was credited for landing a total of 2 punches. The GNP Woodley was landing would've finished most fights in the first round. Woodley poses a huge problem for anyone at that weight trying to vie for the title, GSP included. I think Wonderboy is probably the closest fight for Woodley that there is.