I never hated on DCs prowess as a fighter. If anything I gave him his due in those regards.
I did say he was boring, and was not someone who CARES about putting on a performance. How can people sit here and objectively shit on Miocic for not "selling fights" etc, but then not acknowledge that Cormier should have an obligation to do the same.
Talking shit isnt the only aspect of this. It also includes what you do in the Octagon.
Take Tony Furgeson for example. He is the fucking complete OPPOSITE of DC. This guy is training Wing Chung techniques and then actually fucking attempts those techniques IN THE OCTAGON. The guy is taking risks, he throws nasty elbows, spinning strikes, awkward kicks that produce flash but can also leave a fighter stiff.
He is a performer, AND a fighter. Both of those aspects are equally important to him, and its fucking huge. We need more Tony Furgesons and less DC's.