He got trolled pretty good by Jesus Rivera years ago, iirc.This is a good one.
I never really rooted for Bisping inside the Octagon, but I definitely root for him outside of it. He had a great career embracing the heel role, but you can tell he is a great guy when he isn't talking shit and playing up his antics.
The responses for this one are great.
I don't know how to say this without sounding rapey but let's see her do it when he is controlling her hands or arms .
Wait, against or for? I'm 100% that Jones is going to crush the every living fuck out of Gustafsson. Twitter bet for sure.i mean it's a bit early but i'll lay down anything to avatar bet on JJ
Wakandan, i'm tryin ta get someone crazy enough to bet on the viking.Wait, against or for? I'm 100% that Jones is going to crush the every living fuck out of Gustafsson. Twitter bet for sure.
Wasn't JJ hung over the last time they fought? I have a feeling he will shit all over Guf this time just to prove a point. I don't think anyone is dumb enough to pick Guf out right, not even anyone on this board.Wakandan, i'm tryin ta get someone crazy enough to bet on the viking.
he was basically jonny hendrinks 70%, but pulled out a win.Wasn't JJ hung over the last time they fought? I have a feeling he will shit all over Guf this time just to prove a point. I don;t think anyone is dumb enough to pick Guf out right, not even anyone on this board.
Two more things,
1. I hate the new UFC website