More news not sure if any of you fucks still playing. Behemoth arrives dec 21st on PC. So basically, AT vaal next week and Behemoth after that. Can probably expect another AT monster the week after(Teostra is next iirc?), and probably one new AT every week after the way it's going, so we'd get Teostra 28th, Kushala 4th, Zorah 11th and Xeno 18th. And then supposedly the next week is new content for console too based on some leak? AT Nergi released on both platforms with G rank announcement, Nergi being the flagship monster? We'll see I guess.
Anyway, Behemoth is a big patch since pretty much every gear set will change once Drachen is in(other than HBG cluster shit and such which won't change much until AT Xeno I believe).