I wanted to like MHW so much. Something about the game just isn't clicking with me tho.
I see these crazy Japanese players do all sorts of moves and I have trouble just attacking lol
Baby steps my friend. Decide on a playstyle and improve one step at a time. Eventually your awesome builds just come together. Even a player as terribad as I am can get sup 10 mins on arch-tempered monsters!
I would just suggest avoiding weapons like Longsword, Chargeblade and Hammer from out the gate. The reasons being that Longsword requires fairly good play (getting lots of hits and and not getting hit) to really shine. Chargeblade requires to play defensively but also know when to charge and when to use the charges. Hammer just gets frustrating when monsters get bigger and you're chasing around some feet until you improve with some advanced tactics. But a lot of that is better in Iceborne.