Shawn worked on EQ starting out as CS I think before Kunark and was a Game dev by Luclin. He worked Luclin through multiple expansions then moved to DCOU and later that horse MMO that little girls play. He makes it obvious the plan is to mirror original EQ. He is very accessible on Twitch and Discord and more transparent than any game dev probably should be ha.Thanks for the summary. Did I read somewhere that one or more of the devs on this actually worked on original EQ, or did my brain just make that up? Have these guys put anything out before? Do they have professional funding or is this a garage project?
People seem to be pretty optimistic about this game, and I guess I'm just trying to figure out why we shouldn't assume it's just going to turn into another Pantheon.
Don't get me wrong, of course would be great if a project like this succeeded, but we've all been burned way too many times with promises for games like this that never materialize for us not to approach something like this with a huge grain of salt.
Edit: It seems like the lead dev Shawn worked on EQ "at some point." No indication of what era or what exactly he did for EQ. Nothing specific about that in his bio on the MnM website either. I was hoping they had unearthed John Capozzi or Lawrence Poe or something.
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