yeah layla looked like his daughter not wife although the actors are only 7 years apart IRL so not a big deal. i didn't love episode 2, the invisible fighting shit looked goofy and while I liked Ethan Hawke's walk and talk and trying to explain why he's the good guy, it really just immediately got cut at the knees by a quick bad guy heel turn.
The show would be a lot better if Ethan Hawke really believed he was a good guy and more importantly consistently acted like one. 30 secs after explaining why you're a good guy, if you summon a devil dog from Egypt Hell, I'm not gonna buy it as a viewer. I know the show wants to play up Hawke's idea of purging all evil from the world but I think its done very poorly. Great shows are built on the backs of great villains and Hawke so far is comic book bad guy trope #1.
I did like the last few mins and hope an episode in Egypt returns to what I want from the show, a mix of Mummy / Indiana Jones / MCU, not a deep dive into psychological and family trauma.