So your a pussy on top of everything else. First off I never mentioned your parents, once again not the smartest kid on the block are we. Have you figured which one I am in the picture yet? I know its difficult to scroll right but Im sure a big bad tough guy like yourself could figure it out. And plenty of people where im from think im funny. Check out my AIM profile Craw5225.
Are you sure your friends were saying they wanted to fuck your mom, or was that the voices in your head? Its ok Oedipus. And I was plenty popular in high school, 2 yr starter varsity football, 3yr starter for varisty baseball. But I am not gonna get into some dick waving contest with you, because next thing I know you"ll be telling me you play professional sports and all about how you were the big man on campus at Miami U. and still played EQ wicked Fcuked up ery nite!!1!
Those parties at your house must have been awesome, let me guess parents go out, you bring down the stuffed animals and the little baseball figures everyone had as a kid, start up EQ, kick back some O"Douls and have a good old time?
And just so you know, Ive never wanted to kill myself. But tell Fatty McButterpants (thats your girlfriend) maybe she should, heart attacks arent fun.