If I was on drugs at a rave I'm sure this would be badass. That said, it's a weak electro mix.
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the treble is at max and the bass is almost non existent. this person has never been to a club. fucking faggot shit.If I was on drugs at a rave I'm sure this would be badass. That said, it's a weak electro mix.
the treble is at max and the bass is almost non existent. this person has never been to a club. fucking faggot shit.
boo this manthat shit wubs me the wrong way.
hells yeah, i just went this past Saturday.do you still go clubbing chuk
the absolute worst is the fucking kids. kids running around during the movie. kids talking. kids messing with their phones. babies crying. i told this story before, when i saw Return of the King i had this sick baby behind me, crying and coughing the entire time. over 3 hours of that shit, there were no other seats i could go to because it was a packed theater, so for three hours i had to endure that fucking shit and i got fucking sick as a dog the next week.The super gay dude, screaming, flailing, laughing uncontrollably, and just generally being a flaming faggot the whole time. That asshole almost. ALMOST. Ruined Infinity War for me.
Also had these loud drunk jarheads at the 3D release of Top Gun piss off this old Navy veteran. That was unique.
i had to do the front seats for Avatar. between that weird 3D they used and craning my neck up, it gave me a fucked headache. still better than catching typhoid from a baby at RoK though.Return of the King I went to, everyone was pretty well behaved. People cheered and laughed when it made sense (ironically, my friend who was there ended up being the annoying one...made some comments and random people told him to shut the fuck up lol). But it was a full house and I was stuck in the very front row. Holy shit, my neck hurt so damned bad and could barely move after that because I had to look up the entire time and the theater placed the front row like 10 feet from the screen.
I went to see Power Ranger's the movie when I was like 7 or 8 friends parents dropped us off to go see it. It was an empty theatre iirc, but some dad and like 3 of his kids were in there.. and its something that has stuck w/ me forever.. but one of the kid was a literal aspie and clearly twice our age(my young brain just knew him as a retard). Narrating the whole thing, screaming/crying when shit would go wrong, and when his favorites outcomes didn't go his way; literal ree's.. it honestly made our day.. the shit was absolutely hilarious.the absolute worst is the fucking kids.
my favorite audience reaction moment was Batman Forever, when Jim Carey jumps out as Riddler in that skin tight green leotard. some chick in the theater screams out, "HE"S GOT NO DICK!". the whole theater erupted in laughter. i can no longer watch that movie because that moment was more memorable than the film.Theres a lot of colleges around, so theaters usually get good audience reactions. I remember watching braveheart and during the first big battle, some English soldier gets decapitated and some dude goes all “WOoOOO!!!” like he was ultra pumped up and theater bust out laughing.
During Matrix 1, I got the theater to laugh. That scene in the subway at the end where Smith and Neo are staring eachother down, I whistled the theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly lol
When I saw The Two Towers, there’s a part where Aragorn is in a tavern smoking his pipe, suddenly someone in the theater cuts in with “yeah: rockin’ the ganj!” that got a laugh out of everyone, even my friend who was with me who’s normally pretty stoicTheres a lot of colleges around, so theaters usually get good audience reactions. I remember watching braveheart and during the first big battle, some English soldier gets decapitated and some dude goes all “WOoOOO!!!” like he was ultra pumped up and theater bust out laughing.
During Matrix 1, I got the theater to laugh. That scene in the subway at the end where Smith and Neo are staring eachother down, I whistled the theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly lol
And you thought they smelled bad, on the outside.Star Wars we deliberately chose to get tickets for the 2nd showing for smell reasons.. unwashed nerds.