Most memorable comic book moments


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Ancient said:
Meh I don"t know if I"d say this. They are likely in the same ballpark, but Surfer is a high salary all-star and Firelord is warming the bench, making league minimum. The difference between them is appreciable.
Let me guess, you are a Silver Surfer fan. My best friend is a Surfer fan, and everytime I tell him that Spider Man (on his best day) could beat Surfer (on his worst day) because he beat Firelord, his nerd rage level approaches 9000. 9000!

The Ancient_sl

Fan enough to know that he could kick the shit out of Firelord. Not fan enough to get upset when Hulk or Thor knocks him off his board and clear across the planet.

No, Spiderman couldn"t beat Silver Surfer. He could rain a thousand blows upon him while the surfer looks at him questioningly and then states "Friend, why are you assualting me?" Maybe he could eventually get him irritated enough to fire a cosmic bolt at spidey, knock him into and through a building, tearing half his costume whereupon eventual landing he could put his hand against his head and say something witty about getting smacked down.


I absolutely loved the Age of Apocalypse series. Two most memorable moments is when Colossus leaves the Generation X kids to die inside the fortress (loved the art for that issue too) and the last issue in general.


The Ancient said:
No, Spiderman couldn"t beat Silver Surfer. He could rain a thousand blows upon him while the surfer looks at him questioningly and then states "Friend, why are you assualting me?" Maybe he could eventually get him irritated enough to fire a cosmic bolt at spidey, knock him into and through a building, tearing half his costume whereupon eventual landing he could put his hand against his head and say something witty about getting smacked down.
If Black Panther can do it, i"m sure Spidey could too. Then again, proportionate strength of a spider < being black.


Mr. Poopybutthole
huh said:
If Black Panther can do it, i"m sure Spidey could too. Then again, proportionate strength of a spider < being black.
Surfer is a wuss. Later on Black Panther goes onto meleeing Surfer into unconciousness (not kidding).


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Ancient said:
Holy crap that"s a retarded strip.
I am not sure if you"ve been keeping up with Marvel, but they"ve increased the power of all their minority heroes alot. This was the same company that had no minority heroes other than Luke Cage. When Storm got really popular, the writers came out and said that she wasn"t Black. I remember reading the letters column where they tried to say that she represented all races (this was in the early 80"s). And she especially represented the white race because when she used her powers, her pupils turned white. Comic book writers used to be so retardedly racist. I am not kidding, I could probably find more info on it if I had the time.

And now 30 years later, the readership is down. Alot. Marvel and DC"s main titles used to be considered doing OK at 500K sales a month, and now those same titles are lucky to break 60K a month. All businesses know they have to appeal to all groups. So Marvel made a business decision to make all the minority heroes much more powerful than they ever were in an effort to get minorities to read the comics.

As a black male that has read comics all his life, I say that karma is a bitch. I remember being so pissed when Marvel tried to say Storm was white. You can"t neglect your non-white audience for decades and expect them to come back over night. DC"s been doing the same thing, by making Black Lightning more prominent and making Firestorm black.

I say you let charachters develop naturally, and don"t make them OP just on the basis of them being underutilized in the past.
The Ancient said:
Luke Cage was always cool as hell.
As was Iron Fist... terrific team, and one of my favorites.




Mr. Poopybutthole
For some reason, when I was a kid, the scene where the sorceror Kulan Gath crucified Spider Man scared the crap out of me. I borrowed my friend"s X Men 191, and this scene bothered me for days.


Trakanon Raider
I LOVED that run. Was sad how it ended, especially since Kitty is one of my favorite characters.

I did like the acknowledgment they had from wolverine in the X-force one shot that came out this week, since their characters are so closely tied.


Angerz said:
I LOVED that run. Was sad how it ended, especially since Kitty is one of my favorite characters.

I did like the acknowledgment they had from wolverine in the X-force one shot that came out this week, since their characters are so closely tied.

I hadn"t read the end of the run yet, I"d normally bitch about the spoiler but this thread is pretty much a gigantic spoiler fest anyways :p


Trakanon Raider
Dom Devore said:

I hadn"t read the end of the run yet, I"d normally bitch about the spoiler but this thread is pretty much a gigantic spoiler fest anyways :p
Fuck sorry man. I figured since the run was about 3 months between books you would have read it all, I still debated spoilering...

On a side note, it was funny how the other X-books danced around spoilering the end of Astonishing, but if you read them all, you knew Kitty wasn"t coming back one way or another since 1. She wasn"t involved in WWHulk, but the rest of the astonishing are, 2. they elude to Colossus" loss at least once and 3. If not being in WWHulk wasn"t enough, she wasn"t in Messiah Complex either.

The Ancient_sl

What I really loved about the end of the arc was that even though I knew pretty much exactly what would happen it was written in such a way that when it did happen it still took me by surprise.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dom Devore said:
I"d normally bitch about the spoiler but this thread is pretty much a gigantic spoiler fest anyways :p
Which is why in my OP, I said there"d be spoilers. There"s no way to get around it, considering that some of the most shocking and memorable moments in comics have been at the end of months" long story arcs. I mean, c"mon, we all knew 6 months or more before hand that Batman and Superman were going to be retired/killed off.


The Hulk comes out today and it made me remember of when Spidey punched THE HULK so hard he went into orbit around earth and was stuck up there and would have died soon if he turned into Bruce.

Basically, at one point Spidey got some extra cosmic powers from another experiment gone bad and his abilities were made 100x greater, in addition he could move objects with his mind and could even fly. I remember he owned Magneto and the Hulk and a bunch of other Marvel villians when he was like this, at one point Spidey owned 3 villains at once:in Times Square, Spider-Man quickly stops the combined threat of Shocker, Hydro-Man, and the Rhino using his new powers.

Here Spidey could have killed the Hulk then decided to save him:

Spider-Man delivers an uppercut that sends the Hulk soaring into the sky. The kids watching are amazed as the Hulk shows no signs of coming down or stopping. The Hulk soon realizes that he"s in low orbit around the Earth. Unaffected by the freezing cold or lack of oxygen, he has only two concerns. The first is that at this altitude, the sun will trigger his transformation sooner than expected. The second is what happens to an unprotected Bruce Banner in outer space? As the planet rotates into position, the Hulk feels two hands wrap around his throat as Spider-Man pulls him back down to the ground.

Spidey only had these powers for like 10 episodes but during that time he was BADASS. Seriously punching someone into orbit is BADASS!

The hulk fight was cool and sadly it was Todd McFarlane"s last Amazing Spiderman issue. Seriously look at that cover. He is still my favorite comic book artist that there ever was.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Burkex said:
The Hulk comes out today and it made me remember of when Spidey punched THE HULK so hard he went into orbit around earth and was stuck up there and would have died soon if he turned into Bruce.

Basically, at one point Spidey got some extra cosmic powers from another experiment gone bad and his abilities were made 100x greater, in addition he could move objects with his mind and could even fly. I remember he owned Magneto and the Hulk and a bunch of other Marvel villians when he was like this, at one point Spidey owned 3 villains at once:in Times Square, Spider-Man quickly stops the combined threat of Shocker, Hydro-Man, and the Rhino using his new powers.

Here Spidey could have killed the Hulk then decided to save him:

Spider-Man delivers an uppercut that sends the Hulk soaring into the sky. The kids watching are amazed as the Hulk shows no signs of coming down or stopping. The Hulk soon realizes that he"s in low orbit around the Earth. Unaffected by the freezing cold or lack of oxygen, he has only two concerns. The first is that at this altitude, the sun will trigger his transformation sooner than expected. The second is what happens to an unprotected Bruce Banner in outer space? As the planet rotates into position, the Hulk feels two hands wrap around his throat as Spider-Man pulls him back down to the ground.

Spidey only had these powers for like 10 episodes but during that time he was BADASS. Seriously punching someone into orbit is BADASS!

The hulk fight was cool and sadly it was Todd McFarlane"s last Amazing Spiderman issue. Seriously look at that cover. He is still my favorite comic book artist that there ever was.
No pic is showing.
