I"ll try to get some scans together later.
But a few that come to mind, if anyone else has the time, and can beat me to it.
Rorsach"s "Never compromise". That is the cap of Watchmen for me.
Hellboy. Pancakes.
An odd one.
Danger Girl issue 1. page 10ish. Really its a collective of the scene.
Let me frame it.
I never really read comics as a kid. I read a few here and there mind you. A few old school batman/supermans, and did get G.I.Joe 1-60 or something.
At college I borrowed some Xmen a friend had. Including age of apocolypse, and right before Onslaught period.
All these comics have one thing in common. They are mostly weakly drawn comics, with a basic point of serialistic storytelling.
At no point did I ever consider comics, art.
Dangergirl might be silly cheesecake. But it was the first comic I read where the artwork of the book went above and beyond, and I saw comics for what they could be. Visually, that book is amazing. Campbells characterization, compostition and storytelling are fantastic. And the coloring as well also perfect.