Most memorable comic book moments


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hatorade said:
Damm Lyrical what did he do to the GG to get revenge?
I honestly can"t remember. I haven"t read this particular Spiderman since I was a kid. I was just learning to read back then. I do remember the shock that everyone in my neighborhood had when the happened. Back in the day, just about every young male was a comic book fan (in contrast to no one reading them nowadays).

I looked it up on the wiki and can"t find it. I will have to look at the comics after that when I get some RL time to do so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Found it:

Wikipedia said:
In shock and anger, Spider-Man nearly kills the Green Goblin in retaliation, but in the end chooses not to do so. The Goblin still seemingly dies when he is impaled by his own Goblin Glider in an attempt to kill Spider-Man, and would not return for nearly three hundred issues.
So I guess as a penalty, the Green Goblin was banned from the comic for almost 30 years (our time).


Lyrical said:
Found it:

So I guess as a penalty, the Green Goblin was banned from the comic for almost 30 years (our time).
He was soooo dead - and it was a spectacular comic, one of the all-time greats. Bringing him back would have been less atrocious if it wasn"t tied to the clone storyline, which was a good idea in theory (it would have prevent the later Mephisto nonsense) but godawful in execution.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Amahk said:
I have definitely got to admit from what I"ve read, just in this thread alone, DC has THE MOST BADASS end of world story arcs.
They are awesome taken out of context, but I absolutely hate the multiple-versions-of-every-character bullshit. Infinite Crisis was so hit and miss for me. One issue would be amazing, and the next would be 15 versions of Superman fighting.

Anyways, one thing I always remember is Batman taking the entire city powered boot to Superman"s grill in Dark Knight Returns.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Another, the end of the initial Supreme Power series before they broke it up. Hyperion finally gets completely fed up with the government fucking around with him, directly and in the press etc. So he sends a message.

Last 4 pages of Supreme Power #18.


I cant remember the title, but in an alternate time line DC Universe Joker some how gets the powers of Myxtzpix. At one point the Joker is completely sane and explains to Harleyquinn why he wants to destroy the world.


OpFor said:
I cant remember the title, but in an alternate time line DC Universe Joker some how gets the powers of Myxlplyx. At one point the Joker is completely sane and explains to Harleyquinn why he wants to destroy the world.
No comic book superiority complex intended! That"s just one of the weirdest names I can never forget and I"m a stickler for spelling people"s names correctly for some reason.

Getting back to the comics, another few memorable moments that come to mind are:

ASM #400 Death of Aunt May. I won"t forget that probably since I own that comic.

Another moment that sticks in my head since I know I read it was when I saw Wolverine for the 1st time put his fist under someone"s chin with the outer claws out and just waiting for him to make a move and pop the third middle one. I am pretty sure it happened in X-Cutioner"s song.

Also when a younger Magneto aka Joseph had amnesia and built an enclosement so he"d be able to kiss Rogue and Gambit was jealous. I think this was after Age of Apocalypse and it just reminded me of what happened in that alternate timeline could also happen in the normal timeline.

Oooo and the last one I remember for now was Days of Future Past where the cover had a boot standing on top of all teh dead X-Men. I remember everyone thinking that boot belonged to Gambit or maybe X-Man(later on) and then it turned out that it was Xavier(Onslaught"s boot), when it actually happened. Oh the irony.

I wish I could present these with some scans but I"ll hope that Lyrical knows what I"m talking about and has the scans to back them up. I was strictly into Marvel (X-Men and Spiderman) so all my memorable moments are absorbed by those. I do remember trying to get into Gen-13 but Generation X hooked me because of Chris Bachalo. Synch was the man(prolly cuz I"m black lol although I never really liked Bishop...go figure)!!

The Ancient_sl

Grimmlokk said:
Anyways, one thing I always remember is Batman taking the entire city powered boot to Superman"s grill in Dark Knight Returns.
In case it"s not clear, that"s Bruce"s pulse dropping, not Clark"s.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Ancient said:
In case it"s not clear, that"s Bruce"s pulse dropping, not Clark"s.
Yeah I can see where that might get confusing=) He"s basically drugged up and has a bad heart.

Then again, anyone reading this thread who has NOT read The Dark Knight Returns should be flogged.

So I"ve been reading through some gems that I had been putting off lately. Finally finished up Whedon"s run on Astonishing, read up to the latest Blue Beetle issue, and read through Atomic Robo.

All are outstanding. I am such a sucker for good dialogue in comics.

Blue Beetle feels a lot like Invincible, it"s a lot of fun to read. It"s almost like Deadpool with the way they have him interacting with half the heroes in the DCU. It"s consistently funny like Deadpool as well.

Astonishing is Astonishing. It"s been covered.

Atomic Robo I had been meaning to pick up for a long time. It"s written by Brian Clevinger, he of8-Bit Theaterfame. He has such amazing timing/pacing with his writing I just knew it would be a good read. He does not disappoint. The art is pretty nice too. If you like what he can do with a few sprites, I implore you to see what he manages with a real art team behind him.

I was thinking about starting a new comics thread. Probably should have. Also was thinking of a Funny Page thread like they keep running on the SA forums, but could probably shoehorn that in here if we wanted.


More Miracleman vs Kid Miracle





Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gonna use this as a suggestion thread again, because why not?

Just picked up and read the first three issues of Kick-Ass. New mini from Mark Millar with Romita Jr. art. It"s great. About a nerdy kid with no powers who decides to go out and be a superhero. In a world that doesn"t have a bunch of super powered people running around.

Fun read so far, and apparently it"s doing pretty well sales-wise.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I"ll second that opinion on Kick-Ass. Apparently they"ve made a movie deal already, after three issues.


A nice asshole.
Adamantium skeleton, transformed into Death by Apocalypse (Wolverine #145, 1999);

Anyone have some scans of this?