Most memorable comic book moments

The Ancient_sl

Interstingly offered this to say about what was going on in the X-Men world during Civil War:
Also many large scale events in the Marvel Universe such as House of M, Decimation, Civil War and other Marvel crossovers have been ignored almost completely during the run, due to the long delays between issues and Whedon"s own stated desire to remain away from big cross-overs, which he personally dislikes, and what he saw as hectic and unfollowable X-men continuity


Trakanon Raider
The Ancient said:
Interstingly offered this to say about what was going on in the X-Men world during Civil War:
which also lead to him not finishing his Astonishing run before Messiah Complex started, leading to anyone who reads all the X books knowing the character he killed off before the final issue.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ugh - this is the dumbest idea Marvel"s had since the Clone Saga.

The Star Clipper Blog: Punisher: Franken-Castle !?!

Star Clipper said:
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

If that was the end of The Punisher this would be a very different blog, but there is much more. Though Punisher is dead, Marvel has no intentions of losing a Punisher comic. Enter Franken-Castle. The second half of The List features a sneak peak at the bizarre adventures Frank Castle has ahead of him. His head will be reassembled and he will soon becomes a frankenstein punisher. No joke.

Starting in Punisher 11, Rick Remender and artist Tony Moore bring us Punisher: Franken-Castle, and it honestly is going be a hell-of-a lot different than any other Punisher story before it. Punisher will be roaming the streets as a half-dead frankenstein monster, under the aid of Man-Thing nonetheless, and will be a complete 180 from the normal stories of anti-hero vigilantism. Will it be successful for the character? I haven"t the slightest idea. I can"t tell if I think this is the stupidest story ever or the most interesting new direction a Punisher book has ever taken. All I know is I"m more interested in Punisher now than ever before, even if it is just for the pure audaciousness of Franken-Castle.
Too small; can"t read.

Hey, while I"m here:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:What ever happened with Sentry"s wife blowing his head off at the end of a previous Dark Avengers? Was it just totally disregarded in the next issue?


Mr. Poopybutthole
We aren"t using spoilers in this thread, since it is one big spoiler. Anyway, looking at your post if his = hers, I believe that Sentry brought her back to life with his reality warping powers. Yup, not only does he have the power of a billion exploding suns, but he can rewrite reality.
Lyrical said:
We aren"t using spoilers in this thread, since it is one big spoiler. Anyway, looking at your post if his = hers, I believe that Sentry brought her back to life with his reality warping powers. Yup, not only does he have the power of a billion exploding suns, but he can rewrite reality.
Nah, this was like 2-3 weeks back. The Dark Avengers (sans-sentry) were sitting around talking about how Sentry may be the craziest amongst them and could kill them all with no effort and worry about him. In response Ms. Hand says "The Sentry is fine. Everything is fine." then three pages later, Sentry goes in to see Lindy and she blows his head off with some special alien gun.
For whatever it is worth, I know most of you have been probably missing War Machine due to it looking and smelling like shit. I don"t blame you. However, the last three issues (8-11) and are worth taking a look at.

Basically, Rhodes is going agains Osborn in a really cool way.

Plus, Ares shows up in some of the issues (especially 11), having decided War Machine is some kind of "avatar of war" for him, and Ares is always awesome.
Gryeyes said:
They sure did shit on the Punisher. Thats ok, everyone knows the REAL punisher is the MAX version.
I never liked Punisher, always kinda thought it was a weak idea really. However, they really did shit on him badly here. I wouldn"t mind if the series ended, but this? Man, this is just ass.
Lanludar said:
Was that Wolverine killing the Punisher? WTF happened there?
Was Daken, Wolverine"s son, who is pretending to be Wolverine while working for Norman Osborn as a (Dark) Avenger.

And what happened is exactly what it looked like. Osborn decided it was time to remove the Punisher from the picture and sent Daken + goons to do so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
Nah, this was like 2-3 weeks back. The Dark Avengers (sans-sentry) were sitting around talking about how Sentry may be the craziest amongst them and could kill them all with no effort and worry about him. In response Ms. Hand says "The Sentry is fine. Everything is fine." then three pages later, Sentry goes in to see Lindy and she blows his head off with some special alien gun.
I guess I am having a hard time telling between all the times the Sentry"s been blown up and then reconstituted


Mr. Poopybutthole
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
Was Daken, Wolverine"s son, who is pretending to be Wolverine while working for Norman Osborn as a (Dark) Avenger.

And what happened is exactly what it looked like. Osborn decided it was time to remove the Punisher from the picture and sent Daken + goons to do so.
The sad thing is that I was really starting to like the new Punisher. He wasn"t just a guy with gun anymore, he was using superpowered weapons, like the Satan"s Claw (shoots lasers), Taskmaster"s shield, and even Pym particles. I actually read the book to see what new random weapon he was going to use. They also started having him face more superpowered opponents, instead of random mafia thug #45636. He was also one of the only guys to wage successful battle against Osborn. The book was getting more interesting.

I don"t see where they are going with this Franken Castle thing at all. But thankfully they"ll resurrect him in time for his next movie.
Gryeyes said:
Anyone read the new punisher? Boy is it shitastic, also the Sentry just got blown up again haha.
Franken-Castle is blindingly stupid. It is like some writer wanted to dredge up a bunch of forgotten characters from the asscracks of the Marvel Universe and was given a character with his own book to shit on to do it.

I am glad to see Molecule Man back, though it is a shame he is batshit insane again... worse, batshit insane and in greater control of his powers. I really liked how all the "fake people" he made to hang out with him are all important people from his history. I also love his fear of Reed Richards. The best was the end:

"Deputy Director! Whatever is down there just wiped out the Avengers without any effort or struggle! What should we do?"

"We give up!"

Poor Viktoria Hand.