Most memorable comic book moments


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I tried that with Wolverine, I was up to issue 300 and then stopped reading, then just noticed they released their 900th issue, yeah no thanks.


Sutekh said:
Click spoiler at your own risk, basically spoils the entire Dark Avengers off shot for the Siege comic.
No, that didn"t spoiler anything really. I was asking about where his power actually comes from. I had seen all the images you posted, I had read everything up to the very last month of Siege comics, and now I"ve read those. They kept hinting, when the Void would take over and have his monologues, that he was an ancient power of some kind.

I mean, there is no way in hell a drug in a lab gave him the powers to stale mate Galactus (as one person recalled after everyone"s memories were reinstated), basically whip Thor"s ass, and to take on all those heroes effortlessly. Pretty sure that"s a red herring or he implanted those memories into Lindy for some reason, idk. It"s possible the drug made him a beacon for the sentry/void entity to come in and infuse him with powers, but there"s something else behind his power. Marvel probably haven"t even decided on what it is yet though, so they keep it vague.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Zinke said:
No, that didn"t spoiler anything really. I was asking about where his power actually comes from. I had seen all the images you posted, I had read everything up to the very last month of Siege comics, and now I"ve read those. They kept hinting, when the Void would take over and have his monologues, that he was an ancient power of some kind.

I mean, there is no way in hell a drug in a lab gave him the powers to stale mate Galactus (as one person recalled after everyone"s memories were reinstated), basically whip Thor"s ass, and to take on all those heroes effortlessly. Pretty sure that"s a red herring or he implanted those memories into Lindy for some reason, idk. It"s possible the drug made him a beacon for the sentry/void entity to come in and infuse him with powers, but there"s something else behind his power. Marvel probably haven"t even decided on what it is yet though, so they keep it vague.
No.. The serum did give him the powers, because that"s how Norman Osborn was able to control him, he found the original creator of the serum and was giving it to The Sentry again. And yes, if you do read that spoiler it will tell you the EXACT story line and ending for the Dark Avengers off-shot. lol.

Stroker Ace_foh

Zinke said:
No, that didn"t spoiler anything really. I was asking about where his power actually comes from. I had seen all the images you posted, I had read everything up to the very last month of Siege comics, and now I"ve read those. They kept hinting, when the Void would take over and have his monologues, that he was an ancient power of some kind.

I mean, there is no way in hell a drug in a lab gave him the powers to stale mate Galactus (as one person recalled after everyone"s memories were reinstated), basically whip Thor"s ass, and to take on all those heroes effortlessly. Pretty sure that"s a red herring or he implanted those memories into Lindy for some reason, idk. It"s possible the drug made him a beacon for the sentry/void entity to come in and infuse him with powers, but there"s something else behind his power. Marvel probably haven"t even decided on what it is yet though, so they keep it vague.
It was explained in the first comic. Even has Joe Quesada and Stan Lee explaining it in the back.


Wow, ok. First of all, that interview also says Stan Lee created Sentry before Fantastic Four, and that was all later revealed to be a hoax, so I don"t understand how you can take anything from that as canon. Second, I understand that"s the direction they had gone with his origin for awhile now.. Once again, I said I read all of the stuff up to the last month of Siege comics (including pretty much every pic you posted Sutekh) but they were specifically hinting at his powers having some other element to them in the comics up to, and during, Siege. THAT is what I was asking about. I"m talking about all the hints from the Void regarding past historic apocalypses and such. If he only got his powers from the serum, which was created in the 20th century, how would he have been hinting at experiences that pre-date that?

Marvel may decide to just ignore all that stuff the Void said as ramblings of Bob"s dark half, but it seemed like they were trying to reveal part of a deeper origin behind the Void, specifically. I was just wondering if they expanded on that at all, but they didn"t.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think it has to do with Galactus, because why else would he scream to Lindy he"s Galactus, devourer of worlds.
Sutekh said:
I think it has to do with Galactus, because why else would he scream to Lindy he"s Galactus, devourer of worlds.
Yeah, I didn"t get that at all. At first I was thinking "wow, that makes sense in a way... undercover Galactus or somthing" but then it is never addressed after that, and besides, Galactus was off doing Annihillation and whatever (not that he couldn"t be in two places at once I guess). Also... if Galactus showed up on earth 3000 or whatever years ago in biblical times, wouldn"t he have just eaten the planet then?

Oh wait... isn"t the new SHIELD comic supposed to say how SHIELD has existed for 1000s of years to stop Galactus from eating earth and other stuff?



Avatar of War Slayer
One of the worst aspects of Western comics and their never ending nature.
Stick around long enough, and some writer will destroy everything you ever loved about the character and comic with some other stupid character assassination bullshit, or attempt at retarded continuity nonsense.

Learn to be able to pretend stories you don"t like about characters never happened.

Rogue never slept with Sentry.
In fact, Sentry never existed.


When the shit was about to hit the fan at the end of siege, didn"t Osborn tell Cap that Sentry was the Angel of Death? I didn"t take it literally, but with the "biblical" crap mentioned and the page dedicated to the first-born sons of Egypt getting owned, maybe that"s how we were supposed to take it. That would be pretty hard to swallow though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Sentry acted to me like how any other addict that is drunk and high does. Like you didn"t have friends who got stoned and drunk out of their minds, and made crazy claims. Add in his insanity to the mix, and he"d say anything. I am sure you give him a few more hits and he"d say he"s Mickey Mouse and Hulk Hogan"s gay offspring from another dimension. C"mon son!
Lyrical said:
The Sentry acted to me like how any other addict that is drunk and high does. Like you didn"t have friends who got stoned and drunk out of their minds, and made crazy claims. Add in his insanity to the mix, and he"d say anything. I am sure you give him a few more hits and he"d say he"s Mickey Mouse and Hulk Hogan"s gay offspring from another dimension. C"mon son!
Except I thought they explicitly showed the "Void" entity existing somehow in biblical times. I don"t think that was him telling someone, was it?


Sentry is just some batshit insane reality warper who wanted to play superhero. In a year or two when he eventually returns he"ll probably turn out to be Franklin Richards from the future or some shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
Except I thought they explicitly showed the "Void" entity existing somehow in biblical times. I don"t think that was him telling someone, was it?
The only biblical reference they made was to moses and how he led his people to freedom, and Norman Osborn was claiming that"s how he was.

huh said:
Sentry is just some batshit insane reality warper who wanted to play superhero. In a year or two when he eventually returns he"ll probably turn out to be Franklin Richards from the future or some shit.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:he ded



Stroker Ace said:
Some Cancerverse variants. Looks like there going to be some sick battles in The Thanos Imperative.

Yes, I"ve been reading it. It"s potentially very good.

In summation, our galaxy has a tear, another galaxy that has filled to the brim (because of the absence of death) is invading our space, so they release Thanos to deal with the cancer.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, the Cancerverse Defenders look sick as hell. I"d like a poster or wallpaper of the Revengers and Defenders of the Realm on one shot.