Most screwed up thing your parent/bro/sis/gf/bf has told you?


Got something right about marriage
No doubt bro, he posted that shit on LiveJournal and it's been sniped ever since


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Nothing along the lines of child abuse or rape but, a friend of mine from college had a very interesting hookup story.

He was at a house party one night and started chatting up a girl he hadn't seen before. They both get pretty drunk and eventually start making out towards the end of the night. One thing leads to another and she takes him back to her place and they start getting into it. As the clothes start coming off he starts to have this terrible pain in his stomach. He tries to ignore it because he doesn't want to stall the hookup to go take a shit but eventually it gets so bad that he HAS to go to the bathroom. He takes a violently aggressive diarrhea dump, cleans up and gathers his thoughts before he heads back out into her room. The problem was her bedroom was RIGHT next to the bathroom and there was no way she didn't hear what was going on in there. He comes out and she walks right back over and starts getting back into. He's thinking "Shit this girl is either really cool or really horny, either way I don't care". So they start fucking and his stomach starts to go sour again. He's trying to hold it together but eventually it gets way too bad and he tries to get up to go to the bathroom but she wraps her legs around him and tells him he can't go yet. He's like "No, seriously you don't understand this is an emergency", she says no and wraps her legs around him even tighter. The bitch is literally not letting him leave. He tries to free himself when the worst thing you can imagine happens. He shits all over.

She let's him up and he's sitting at the end of the bed trying to figure out what the fuck just happened when he starts to hear moaning behind him. He looks back and the crazy bitch is rubbing his shit all over herself. Turns out she was into that kind of thing and put laxatives in one of his drinks earlier in the night. He said "WTF are you doing?!" and she nonchalantly said "I wanted to have sex with you then rub your shit all over me".
There's no way this is true, but I almost shit myself laughing.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Reminds me of a prank I pulled on someone. But this is not the thread for that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You were going to be a twin, but you absorbed your brother in the womb!!

And yes they did say it with exclamation marks..


Molten Core Raider
My grandfather was really close to us, was always over every weekend and was a pretty big fixture in our lives. Once he told us he was in FL and a gator came up and ripped his leg right off, we found out later it was Diabetes - but this story isn't about that.

After he died, a LOT of shit came out. My aunts all seemed to go insane and my mom became a huge drinker (you may remember from the jimmies rustling thread). It wasn't until we were a little older (13ish, if I recall for me) that we found out some pretty horrible shit that my grandfather did. He would lock my mother and aunt in closets/rooms for hours/days on end. He didn't buy them any new clothes or anything, so they basically were in rags most of their lives. I guess my grandmother hit them all the time, to the point that my aunts did nasty shit to her (shit on the hood of her car LOL, cut their shit in the toilet with my grandmothers favorite steak knife LOL). My grandfather also sexually assaulted and molested all of them pretty frequently with the exception of my youngest aunt. My mother got it the worst, for most of her life she was raped on a nearly nightly basis by my grandfather. This was the 60s, so I think she was probably too afraid to tell authorities and now he's dead so what is she going to do. She's a truly fucked up person and it all traces back to this.

I feel like a shitty person for always being pissed at her, I can't imagine that shit.

Additionally, everyone tells me how much I look like my grandfather. I haven't built up the courage to ask if I was some sort of incestuous rape child.
holy fuck i had a bad child hood with my parents always beating on eachother and shit, but fuck man sorry to hear all that.

i did find out a few weeks ago, that both my fathers parents were marijuana growers and sellers in canada, and continued when they moved to the US.

i still cant picture my sweet old grandma selling weed, fuck at least i know why im a pothead shit runs in the family



What the hell. Girl I lived with for a year or so in college told me a few months after I got home she got married. Jokes on her, she got fat
Fucked up stories from some of the Girls that I dated:

This girl that I dated 7 years ago told me the story of how when she was in high school her and her friend were walking home from track. Three guys that were older offered to give them a ride home. They get into the car and they tell them that they aren't going to let them leave until they fuck them. I think they might have threatened to kill them...
Her friend did, and she told them she was on her period so she only blew one of them.

Different girl told me about how she came over to this country from China when she was 12. Her Mother and Father died and her Uncle's family took her in. She was half Japanese and Chinese and she was an orphan so there was shame and some obligation feels. Her uncle raped her for years and she never told anyone at the time, then she never told when she was an adult because she didn't want to bring more shame on herself. This came out of a conversation of why she wanted me to shave my facial and body hair. Her uncle was a hairy dude.

High School Girlfriend. She confessed that she loved her 1st cousin.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
There's hope for you yet, Trollface. You just need a car and the courage to ask a girl if she wants a ride home.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's not that fucked up. Pretty much any girl who's ever gotten more than a couple rides home from guys (from school, parties, whatever) that aren't absolute trusted friends has been threatened with rape at some point. Even from guys they know as acquaintances fairly well. I doubt I would have been motivated to finally get my license if it hadn't kept happening on a regular basis.


Can't, thank God, really compare to any of the family shit. Parents are some stuck up snobs, have a few aunts that would get beyond fucked up drunk at family functions (had an aunt that would show up with a 7-11 Big Gulp FULL of vodka, no chaser whatsoever, kill it in a 4 hour period, and you'd never know).

Girlfriends, on the other hand, I've dealt with some fucked up shit. Worked with a girl I was dating, I was in charge of reviewing tech support calls, so basically just listened to recordings all day and wrote up reviews. Listened to her on a personal call to a friend back east saying about guilty she felt about cheating on me non-stop for the last 6 months and that she didn't know what to do. Ripped the audio to a CD and when we got home threw it in the player and cranked the volume. She fell apart, grabbed something out the liquor cabinet and probably killed a fifth in 2 quick moves. She spent the whole night in a drunken stupor trying to fuck me, crying the whole time, saying she would be my slave, would never leave my side, would print out her phone records for me monthly, would never leave the house without me, the works. Told her no sane person would want that kind of relationship and we cut all ties within a few days.

Interesting add-on to that story, one of the guys she was fucking around with worked with us and they started dating soon after, so I had to see that shit daily. He knocked her up and they got married, then within 2 months he told her met someone else, filed for divorce, and bounced. Karma is a bitch.

Also dated a girl that was flawless when we were alone, just the perfect girlfriend. Like hanging out with the best friend you could ever hope for AND amazing crazy sex on tap. However around others, she became the most distant, cold person you'll ever meet. Hated physical contact, no loving affection, jack shit. First time I met her friends I basically met ALL of them at once, big house party. As we were pulling up to the house she flat out told me "Don't tell people we're dating please, go see if you can meet new people, I'll see you when we leave". Then she went around bullshitting with her friends, life of the party, but would not make eye contact with me or acknowledge me in the least. I actually bumped into her accidentally at one point, she looked me dead in the eyes and went "Excuse me, sir" and kept walking. Her closes friends had to be in on it and you just knew they didn't approve as all night they were chatting me up, "need another drink?", that kind of stuff.

I was crazy into this girl and that whole night just fucking destroyed me. We got back to her place and it was bi-polar city, she was back to crazy in love, what do I want for dinner, she'll make anything I want, any movies I want to watch, just baffling shit. Months later she eventually realized what she was doing, apologized like mad, she had no excuse, etc. It got normal from then on, but that early shit was nuts.

Fuck, after writing that my shit seems pretty tame in this thread.