Trails are weird to, you have to think like a kardashian. knowing the gaps may look wide enough from the front but not for the rear.
You are an insufferable dumb cunt, please don't ruin this thread as well.Did the Terminator ride a crotch rocket? Nope? Then it's not a motorcycle. The only motorcycle is the fat boy![]()
You are an insufferable dumb cunt, please don't ruin this thread as well.
Edgelord would be I hope you get gang raped by a outlaw MC club, merely calling you the cringiest degenerate cuck faggot around these days is just a generic putdown.I love these edgelord posts.
Carb in the generator was a bit gummed up, made it worse when I soaked the pilot jet in carb cleaner and fried the orings on it. Bought a new carb from the manufacturer for $30, still didn’t work. It was getting spark (pulled the plug and checked), air was coming out the exhaust when I pulled the cord, should be getting gas from the brand new carb. “I wonder what the valves look like, let me just pull the cover and see” *intake valve rocker just flips over off the valve* “That ain’t right, wait, is the pushrod just laying in the hole next to everything? What, how?” Put the rod back ito place under the rocker and the generator starts up halfway through a pull.First attempt at a trackday this year. My generator wouldn’t start, probably gelled up carb from sitting for so long. “Ok, this will be fun on slicks without warmers...”
Then that cascaded into me checking on my fuel level and not putting the cap back on before riding to get air for my front tire.
Spectacular morning and ending my day after half a session.
It is amazing how shit modern pump gas is, all so some fat-assed corn growers can make money at our expense.If your bike (or engine, for mowers/weedeaters and such it's great) has no catalytic converter, consider using Avgas for over the winter storage. It doesn't go bad no matter how long it sits, and anything with higher compression will love it. You'll save all kinds of money on seals going bad, carb rebuilds, etc etc, even though the gas itself is more expensive. Older engine fuel seals and gaskets never had ethanol in mind when they were made, and I'm actually convinced most of the newer stuff gets eaten too just more slowly. Give it a try, you won't regret it![]()