If you guys are into multiplayer M&B, take a look at the Bannerlord Online mod. They have been killing it with updates for quite a while. They're far more inspired and productive than the retards at TaleWorlds.
I'm a huge fan of the series and I have gotten a lot of play time in the EA but progress has been abysmal, in my opinion. Almost everything they do is slow, half-assed, and buggy. I will never buy another EA from them, that is for sure. People on the forums literally paste the errors in their code for them and they're too fucking retarded to fix them.
That said, my recommendation is to wait until about a year after release and pick it up on sale if you see some mods that look good. The game is a big step up on graphics and some of the concepts and it has a lot of potential given that modders run circles around TW.
I'm a huge fan of the series and I have gotten a lot of play time in the EA but progress has been abysmal, in my opinion. Almost everything they do is slow, half-assed, and buggy. I will never buy another EA from them, that is for sure. People on the forums literally paste the errors in their code for them and they're too fucking retarded to fix them.
That said, my recommendation is to wait until about a year after release and pick it up on sale if you see some mods that look good. The game is a big step up on graphics and some of the concepts and it has a lot of potential given that modders run circles around TW.