Movies That Would Be Made, If You Could Make It Happen



Warhammer 40,000 movie series, with a James Cameron/Michael Bay budget. Directed By Peter Jackson I guess, or someone with a similar history of epic movies.

Trial run is an Ultramarines movie properly budgeted and rendered by a competent CG team and written by Dan Abnett. Score composed by a duo of Clint Mansell and Trent Reznor. Think the movie 300, but in a science fantasy space setting.

Giant superhumans in power armor leading a fight against innumerable demons/aliens with millions of puny human soldier fodder and tanks for comparison's sake culminating in an orgasmic final fight scene involving limbs being ripped off, hearts exploding, and power weapons ripping shit in half with orbital strikes blowing everything to shit. Think opening orbital action scene of Revenge of the Sith without all the gay and horrific acting and story. Everything that was awful replaced with awesome of pure murder and transhuman apocalyptic destruction. End of the world's coming, shouldn't have this been done already?

When the movie succeeds, it's followed up by a series of 30 movies detailing the Horus Heresy.

If I were to win the lottery, this is what I would fund. What would be your dream film?


Millie's Staff Member
Stephen King: The Eyes of the Dragon.

it has never even been rumored to be made a film and i dont know why. with the popularity of GoT and LOTR this movie should be a fucking hot pick.
its about a prince who is framed by an evil wizard named Flagg (yesthatFlagg) and is locked up in a tower for the rest of his life for a murder he didnt commit. he must formulate his escape or the kingdom will perish.


privileged excrementlord
I'd remake 300 but everyone's played by a hot naked chick. Also no goat things.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Lord Nagafen Raider
obviously HL Mini series or trilogy. I want a series though so we can see shit from all angles instead of a rush


Molten Core Raider
Epic 6 movie series (3-4 hours each, maybe with a 6h director's cut on blueray to cover all the minute details) of the Dune universe with LotR/Avatar/Matrix production values and high fidelity to the books.

Then I'd do it again with pretty much all the Hugo/Nebula winners as long as they respect the fucking books.

edit : I'd take high quality cartoons/anime over movies any day (think GitS). There are some things that are easier to convey in animated form.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'd like to see Koontz's Lightning. Was one of my favorite books when I was a teenager...


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sword of Shannara Trilogy. It makes me sad I'll never see it on a big screen (I'm sure whoever would have made it would of fucked it up anyways). Love me some Terry Brooks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sword of Shannara Trilogy. It makes me sad I'll never see it on a big screen (I'm sure whoever would have made it would of fucked it up anyways). Love me some Terry Brooks.
You already saw it on screen, it was called The Lord of the Rings and it was way better.


Armorby John Steakely could be pretty badass. Armored exosuit guy goes berserker and killed alien ant guys.


Silver Knight of the Realm
You already saw it on screen, it was called The Lord of the Rings and it was way better.


Armorby John Steakely could be pretty badass. Armored exosuit guy goes berserker and killed alien ant guys.
We'll have to agree to disagree.


El Presidente
You already saw it on screen, it was called The Lord of the Rings and it was way better.

Armorby John Steakely could be pretty badass. Armored exosuit guy goes berserker and killed alien ant guys.
Yeah, I always thought the Shannara books were just really shitty versions of LotR.
I was going to say the Hyperion Cantos but apparently Warner Brothers just recently bought the film rights lol.

I need to go through my scifi collection and see what others movies are in the pipe hah.

Hmm, maybe a made for TV stargate atlantis or stargate universe movie. Both series were bad / getting bad but I'm still interested in how they would wrap up the story.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anything written by David Weber, Terry Pratchett (All of the Night's Watch books but live action like GOT on HBO), Old Man's War, Imager Series, Khavreen Romances


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Terry Pratchett (All of the Night's Watch books but live action like GOT on HBO)
City Watch is being adapted to a TV series by the BBC. Dunno format etc or if it's still happening but I think as of a couple months ago it was.

Khavreen Romances
The prequel series under this title, or the Vlad Taltos books? If the former BOOOOO! If the latter fuck yes. Assassin crimelord witch guy in an elf city? Badass.