Clearly I was the one butthurt here. LolJust repaying the fanboy who couldn't handle an opinion that wasn't 100% sucking this shows dick and negged me first. Shit, if I had known you out people who neg, I would have just asked you and we could have avoided this.
So, yeah, who was it?
Btw, why even make nets anonymous if some mod will reveal them whenever they get butthurt?
At least when this series is over we know who will star in the Steve Buscemi biopic...Like, look at this dudes face. I dont even know if I would want to hang out with that guy IRL.
I didn't abuse anything. Everyone on this forum knows all you have to do is ask me who +/-'ed you and I'll tell you. Stop being butthurt about getting caught while you were thinking you were cleverly trolling people.Abusing your mod powers because you got negged? Yep, you were. You must be a real cool guy in real life.
Good follow up.
This comment won't spark a debate at all.Fucking stupid gun laws or lack of them
Well it hadn'ti n almost 24 hours, thanks for trying to stir one up though.This comment won't spark a debate at all.