Went 5-0, 5-0, 5-1 in momir. Only had one bad game RNG where I drew that 6 drop black card that makes you go through your deck to search for nonland or makes you lose hp otherwise. Instaloss, though I did lol when I realized what happened. Never played 6 after that.
7 drop seems to be a sweet point. Lots of flyers. Had one game go so long due to us being evenly matched, but then he ran out of cards at 8 land and had to keep churning out creatures. I had that one 3/3 that gives life and land when you play a land. Ended the game with 4 of those 16/16 worms.
Got a sweet haul today too from momir and dailies. 4 mythic rare, 3 rare, 2 mythic rare wildcards and 1 rare wildcard plus a bunch I didn't look at cause they aren't green or black.
It's enjoyable though cause I am seeing so many cards as a new player that I wouldn't go looking for otherwise.
Torn on dropping a $100 on gems since I've only played for a week and I feel like I've gotten so much good stuff just from dailies, singleton and the $5 pack.