Got around to giving this a shot.
Any recommendations on what packs I should focus on with free gold? need to look up a meta deck and see what it wants for that answer?
started focusing on green starter. (enchants, and big creatures. a solid amount of 2 drops, which are defensive and tap to feed big creatures. trample)
Got WRECKED by 3 decks notably. which mostly just makes me wonder what those assholes were doing in bronze beginner/t2-3...
One was a blue aggro merfolk. which pretty much went , turn 1: 1/1 merfolk (allied mer get 1/1), turn two, again. 2 2/2 merfolk.. turn three, added 1/1 token to allied merfolk, 2/2,3/3,3/3 merfolk, etc till turn 6 being like 3/3,6/6,4/5,etc.
A blue control, that was just stacked with legendary, planeswalkers, etc.
A white deck with a single fucking healing hawk, which killed me over like 20 turns. haha. a single flying creature, which he kept enchanting, over a very long time. Was more sad then anything else. default green comes with plummetx2, and meteor golem, each can instant kill that single flying creature. (esp with 5enchants on it...) I ALSO didnt pull any of my big killers, which would have at least traded damage in a race.
Initial thoughts are good. Looks good, plays fairly smoothly. Easy to get in to.
Problems: the pause/auto pass system. Im a fucking noob, and I noticed immediately, how easy it is to tell, if your opponent, has a spell. Casual/low end play I suppose, "fuck it" rather fast play then really dicking around with mind games. I imagine high end play, they force the game to stop and check every single step. (or on the other hand, high end play even LESS patient?)
Its the same mtg played for 20years. its not really a bad thing, but its hard to argue that the new hotness factor on others, isnt there. esp with the "designed for online play, vs designed for physical cards" elements.
A greater problem with TCG. on one hand, the base nature of TCG is a theorycrafters wet dream, same scratch as playing Path of exile, and using path of building, or playing SSF. But, the sad fact is kindof the same. if you want to WIN, you look up a meta deck, buy the meta deck, and play the meta deck. (not to suggest individual play doesn't matter)
Emote wheels need to be updated in these games for modern times.
Needs a facepalm. an "oh ffs"
also, the naming structure of decks grinds my gears. what is a selesnya and what does it have to do with
Selesnya Tokens Deck for Magic: the Gathering
and, after googling, I figured out the name thing. dual/tri colors have special names, based on "guilds?" or something. instead of just calling them the color names.