spark cards look fun
invade the city gonna be annoying as fuck in arclight phoenix decks
All the leaked cards look meh so far, but I'm also not a fan of planeswalker cards so it's hard to drum up excitement for this set.
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Now this one is interesting tho. Not sure how to break it but seems like the sort of thing that someone might figure out how to achieve broken-status with.
All the leaked cards look meh so far, but I'm also not a fan of planeswalker cards so it's hard to drum up excitement for this set.
tibalt planeswalker means rdw gets to fuck around in bo3 now
bolas citadel could get interesting
I guess it gives another option, but if I'm going to bo3 with red then I'm likely going to play phoenixes since they are a lot more sticky and then start splashing in cindervines etc.
Citadel looks like it'll do gross things in edh.
They're going to run lava coil and your phoenixes will be sad.