I'm pretty legitimately concerned they are going to blunder ahead the same way comic books have. Make massive changes to your product to try and placate a non-existent female customer base, alienate your existing male-dominated player base, then whine on Twitter about how inclusive you are and how all the terrible misogynists are ruining your game and driving away players.
I don't understand their fascination with trying to so hard to push their idea that the game is open/for everyone. It very clearly is not, when you have a 90+% base of male players the game very obviously is not interesting to females, and it has nothing to do with how progressive you are, or card art, or any of that shit. It's the same reason STEM is dominated by men, they just won't admin reality.
I seriously give 0 fucks about the recent dramus over at the MTG subreddit. The dude everyone is losing their minds about is a complete cunt, but he's not wrong on a lot of fronts is the real issue. The vast, vast majority of your player does not in fact give any shits about Sprankle or her cosplays, and probably never will.
And why should they?
She doesn't play magic in any meaningful sense(see below).
She is an absolute attention w****(see my twitter notes)
She seems to provide no meaningful commentary or even have a interest in magic mechanics or gameplay. OMG cute dinosaurs awww etc.
I have been playing magic for 20+ years. PTQ's, GP's, RPTQ's, all sorts of professional events.
This year I made a major drawdown in my mtg activities, because of real life and all, but there are all sorts of reasons to get out of the game now.
- Massive reprinting of older staples is going to drag down the value of any collection.
- Making an attempt to appeal to women is just going to alienate the other 90% of your playerbase ala Marvel. Playing at a card store has no appeal to me anymore.
- My local magic society is 100% on board with psycho women who want to feel 'empowered' by dressing up as cartoon characters and parading around. Playing magic is secondary. Playing professional magic? fuhgeddaboutit.
- After making the point that this sprakle person has 33 thousand tweets in 6 years (15 a day, 1 per waking hour) and NOT one-not one- has a picture of her actually playing magic, i've effectively been evicted from mtg society.
- Articles like 'The struggles of trannies playing magic' is not content that you want to promote if you ever want mainstream acceptance.
- I have no desire to bring my kids in the future to play a tournament when it's dominated by freaks and sjw's. So long to your long term customer base wotc.
It's weird, being out of magic after 20 years, but I'm already over it.
The really really bad news for WotC is they don't have any brands they can sell for MovieBux to pay for any of this virtue-signalling bullshit. If it dominates their thinking and design, call it 2-3 years and they're sunk. Margins aren't that huge in the card industry.
I asked a judge if my opponent was scared of bears, and I had bear sleeves, could he make me desleeve? The answer is yes.
I asked a judge if my opponent was scared of bears, and I wore a bear costume, could he make me disrobe? The answer is yes.
Wizards is finished. You had a good run guys.