The world building is excellent but the story has been written by low quality SJW writers for a good few years.Welp Netflix is making a MTG animated show run by the Russo's. Should be interesting, but I am unsure if this will be popular outside of Magic nerds. Hell I don't know shit about the story and personally don't care much.
Well, you put X cards from your hand on the bottom of library, X being how many times you mulligan'd. If you mulligan once, you'll still have 6 cards when the game starts, you just look at 7 before ditching one.
People were afraid it'd break older formats, but it wasn't too bad for modern. It's obviously great for standard/limited, so I'm happy for it. Legacy and Vintage are already 'broken' formats, so who cares.
ahh, missed the shuffle bit. looks like its only abusable for those "I want my last card to be X" combo decks and that's only when they would otherwise have that in hand.