Scrylands back in m20. I feel like there being a cost to playing 3 color manabases in Standard is good and that having mana as good as it is now should be rare and centered around gold card centric blocks like Ravnica.Standard is going to be awful once checklands rotate, mark my words.
Scrylands are slow and favor control decks way too much.Scrylands back in m20. I feel like there being a cost to playing 3 color manabases in Standard is good and that having mana as good as it is now should be rare and centered around gold card centric blocks like Ravnica.
A new pretty for my tribal deck.I'm pretty sure i've been out of the game for too long and am judging cards by standards which aren't accurate anymore, but this seems good. Maybe not game winningly good, but a damn fine 1 drop.
I'm pretty sure i've been out of the game for too long and am judging cards by standards which aren't accurate anymore, but this seems good. Maybe not game winningly good, but a damn fine 1 drop.
For this card to be a thing, it likely will need a tribal home that really wants a 1 drop. By itself it's pretty marginal at best.I'm pretty sure i've been out of the game for too long and am judging cards by standards which aren't accurate anymore, but this seems good. Maybe not game winningly good, but a damn fine 1 drop.
There's the one that fetches gates.The actual land ramp in standard right now is pretty wretched tho, unfortunately. We've got the 5cost kicker Skyshroud Claim.
Circuitous route. There is that new Nissa spell that can get you two in hand. And the enchantment that gets you 3 life and adds +1 mana to your land. I never had problems ramping with green.There's the one that fetches gates.