MTG thread


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Stop scaring me with that thought

I just looked through the storm deck (legacy) i bought august 2012, it cost me about 650$ back then (sharp price), and its valued over 1800 atm

Seems most legacy stuff has approached its peak though, and with SCG dropping the format its unlikely to improve

I like that format and nothing else besides a limited once a year so kinda sucks, fortunately the EU community is alive and well


Trakanon Raider
Are you going for power because you want to play vintage, or as an investment?

I found some judge promos to be really good investments, praise my flusterstorms, though i think they may be reprinted with the next MM edition so there is an expiry date on those probably. Broken stuff like sneak attack seems pretty safe however.
Combination of factors. They're unlikely to lose value, it's a childhood goal I never quite realized (got as far as 7 of 9), and I want to be able to play vintage next eternal weekend. It's also a trade goal.


Trakanon Raider
Stop scaring me with that thought

I just looked through the storm deck (legacy) i bought august 2012, it cost me about 650$ back then (sharp price), and its valued over 1800 atm

Seems most legacy stuff has approached its peak though, and with SCG dropping the format its unlikely to improve

I like that format and nothing else besides a limited once a year so kinda sucks, fortunately the EU community is alive and well
It's alive and well outside of SCG, just depends on region. We have weekly legacy events at 3 separate locations in town with varying turnouts. There's also Eternal Weekend every year, and various regional events. Legacy is hardly dead or dying.

The cards have peaked until the player base begins to grow again. Right now it's holding steady, as opposed to the massive increases we saw in the last couple years. They're not bad places to park value if you're going to be stashing money into cardboard anyway. Plus legacy is a ton of fun.


So anything I need to prepare my body for when I move to MTGO? Am I going to hate it so much I regret it?

I was thinking on dabbling in Modern but I don't think $200 is going to get me far in that format.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Despite the recent revamp, the client is still awful. The trading message board is terrible too. Other than that it's ideal.


So anything I need to prepare my body for when I move to MTGO? Am I going to hate it so much I regret it?

I was thinking on dabbling in Modern but I don't think $200 is going to get me far in that format.
It's great if you don't mind long wait times between matches, a very bad "trading" function, bugs that allow things not anywhere close to paper and just a awful experience.


El Presidente
The client is pretty shitty certainly. Also combo decks can often be hard to play due to time issues, which can be a real issue. Also when you're talking about buying into online constructed you have to remember a lot of mid level rares are way cheaper online. Lots of those 3-4 dollar cards in paper are practically worthless online. Also when you decide to switch decks you can often unload your bigger cards for full value so there is that as well.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Queues and dailies fire, but a new standard season is generally the low point for activity in Modern, which also means the cards are cheapest now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Shadows Over Innistrad announced as the April Expansion at the Grand Prix this afternoon. Guess we get to wait a bit longer to see a new plane

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Ok as lame as a complaint as this is. Returning to planes is whatever, but do they really need to have the name of the plane in the expansions name? its just becoming too homogenized for my tastes.


Golden Squire
It is, but I think they want to hedge their bets on their new block schedule with a popular plane for the block that is being released at MTG's traditional low point (spring/summer). I imagine Liliana of the Veil will be reprinted, along with a few other staples. I doubt Snapcaster will be reprinted due to his power level. LotV was due to be reprinted in M15, but couldn't be because of mono-black devotion.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Liliana probably won't be reprinted because her story has progressed. They will save that for reprint sets.