Energy is inherently a dangerous mechanic. I've mentioned it before, but anything that circumvents normal mana costs can be dangerous. Energy might not exactly be Delve or Phyrexian Mana but it is an alternate resource from mana. If they go back to Kaladesh in a future expansion you could end up with some retarded Modern Energy deck when you combine it with the old Kaladesh!
Yeah I know there has been. There should not be because they know what cards are coming out for the entire block and should be play testing everything as they build it.I take it you didn't play during Urza block or original Mirrodin.
This is largely true, but even with a bunch of former professional players testing, stuff gets missed sometimes. I'd rather that something has to get banned once in awhile than everything be safe and bland though. That being said, I don't necessarily think they needed to ban 4 cards, when banning 1 card from each archetype likely would have sufficed.Yeah I know there has been. There should not be because they know what cards are coming out for the entire block and should be play testing everything as they build it.
I totally understand years and years of cards needing a ban here and there. Not in the timeframe of a standard block though. That is just piss poor planning.
the testing is shit, if you can't catch saheeli + felidar guardian, you aren't catching anything and might as well not bother
then again this wasn't a testing issue, this is a strategic banning to push new card sales over established decks
How obvious do you need to be? Everything WotC does is to increase sales. It's sort of the point of a business enterprise.
Feminists are retarded, it was in a cycle with this card and Liliana won the fucking fight didn't she?I don't have a problem with them wanting to increase sales, I have a problem with them doing it in absolutely retarded ways, which damage both customer confidence and the game itself.
MTG did not become great by printing loads of shit product, or pringle-foil quality cards. It did not become great by catering to transgenders or fat feminists. Nor did it become great by banning strong cards, or through printing and banning selective cards to push other decks.
All that stuff is new, and its all terrible.
This is great artwork:
Makes me sad. Now we'll never know if Garruk went overhand or underhand on Lili.