My new Dating Pool

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Vyemm Raider
Those are real hard proven qualities. She might be good at giving YOU a blowjob and having sex with you, but we're not all terminators coming off of the assembly line. Jesus.
of course i was only speaking from my perspective....


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah it was the life style that killed my friend, clearly not the needle they found next to him.
It was the fact that heroin is illegal and thus street heroin is of variable strength, combined with your friend not being careful and testing his product before shooting up, and the statistical likelihood that he had other downers in his system, that killed him.

The vast majority of heroin overdoses are caused by combining it with alcohol, benzodiazepines or other depressant drugs, as these compound the respiratory depression, the rest are split between speedballing and not testing the strength relative to tolerance before having a full shot (this last one usually gets people who relapse after a period of abstinence and don't realize their tolerance has gone down). If an addict is careful there's no real reason to OD except for some freak accident like getting a fentanyl cut which wasn't evenly distributed, in which case even the smallest dose can kill if they get the wrong part of the batch. But that's pretty rare.

Of course when it comes to needles there's also the possibility of infection if they don't bother with proper IV hygiene - AIDs, endocarditis being the main two as far as actually killing goes iirc (although obviously not straight away, at least for AIDs, not sure if endocarditis can kill instantly, where did our resident doctor go?). But that shit is pretty rare these days everywhere except America & the third world, because most countries have extensive needle/swap/filter distribution programs.

But yeah, the others are right, H (or opiates in general) doesn't fuck the body up nearly as much as meth, which damages the cardiovascular system, the kidneys and the brain - although even then, it can be invisible (a friend of mine was addicted to meth and coke for over a decade while maintaining a corporate job, and you wouldn't have picked him for an addict unless you noticed his pupils), the ''faces of meth'' look is more because meth users are far less prone to good hygiene and healthcare due to the mental health issues it causes and the pattern of binging and crashing than it is to the effects of the drug on the body. By contrast, opiate addicts maintain a regular sleep cycle and tend to think far more coherently and thus take better care of themselves.

The only major physical damage opiates cause inherently is fuck with hormone production (eg. they can basically halt the production of testosterone, although this effect reverses, at least mostly, once the opiate use stops). Of course that's excluding damage from improper needle use, and I'm not sure if smoking it damages the lungs (although my guess is not significantly, or we'd know about it).

To the guy who said he got tinnitus, my guess is you were taking pills combined with APAP or another NSAID - it's been a while since I did any reading on this (I'm boring and mostly sober now) but I'm almost certain it's the APAP/NSAIDs which cause the tinnitus, not the opiates themselves.



Vyemm Raider
now....the last time i was having sex with my current whore, i noticed something funky going on, so i told her no more until she gets to the clinic, even dropped her off in front of it the other day, so i was resigned to stop seeing her, but she talked me into to seeing her today at lunch, i was on the recieving end of a very nice handjob, and she offered another one at 5, when i am done work, shes really trying hard to make sure i am happy


> Than U
It was the fact that heroin is illegal and thus street heroin is of variable strength, combined with your friend not being careful and testing his product before shooting up, and the statistical likelihood that he had other downers in his system, that killed him.

The vast majority of heroin overdoses are caused by combining it with alcohol, benzodiazepines or other depressant drugs, as these compound the respiratory depression, the rest are split between speedballing and not testing the strength relative to tolerance before having a full shot (this last one usually gets people who relapse after a period of abstinence and don't realize their tolerance has gone down). If an addict is careful there's no real reason to OD except for some freak accident like getting a fentanyl cut which wasn't evenly distributed, in which case even the smallest dose can kill if they get the wrong part of the batch. But that's pretty rare.

Of course when it comes to needles there's also the possibility of infection if they don't bother with proper IV hygiene - AIDs, endocarditis being the main two as far as actually killing goes iirc (although obviously not straight away, at least for AIDs, not sure if endocarditis can kill instantly, where did our resident doctor go?). But that shit is pretty rare these days everywhere except America & the third world, because most countries have extensive needle/swap/filter distribution programs.

But yeah, the others are right, H (or opiates in general) doesn't fuck the body up nearly as much as meth, which damages the cardiovascular system, the kidneys and the brain - although even then, it can be invisible (a friend of mine was addicted to meth and coke for over a decade while maintaining a corporate job, and you wouldn't have picked him for an addict unless you noticed his pupils), the ''faces of meth'' look is more because meth users are far less prone to good hygiene and healthcare due to the mental health issues it causes and the pattern of binging and crashing than it is to the effects of the drug on the body. By contrast, opiate addicts maintain a regular sleep cycle and tend to think far more coherently and thus take better care of themselves.

The only major physical damage opiates cause inherently is fuck with hormone production (eg. they can basically halt the production of testosterone, although this effect reverses, at least mostly, once the opiate use stops). Of course that's excluding damage from improper needle use, and I'm not sure if smoking it damages the lungs (although my guess is not significantly, or we'd know about it).

To the guy who said he got tinnitus, my guess is you were taking pills combined with APAP or another NSAID - it's been a while since I did any reading on this (I'm boring and mostly sober now) but I'm almost certain it's the APAP/NSAIDs which cause the tinnitus, not the opiates themselves.

It was me and ya I been on opiates for a long long time for various things. Years ago they used to stack in 750 mg of tylenol in that shit, also used to take sinus pills with 500mg each in it( 2 at a time 4 times a day ) but not at the same time as the opiates. Basically I've probably averaged 2500 mg of tylenol a day over 15 years when I average it out. Been tylenol free for about 2 months now since they switched me to Tramadol.
But opiates overall used to have a 1% tinnitus rate, but it was never disclosed in the studies if it was the opiates or the tylenol.

I do know a guy who took a ton of opiates over 10 years and I suspect even meth who died at the age of 34 from multiple organ failure. The family said his organs basically liquified over a 2 year period.
Another issue with my ringing ears that makes it even worse is being around drills,nail guns,router table/table saws/mitre saws all day every day.


Vyemm Raider
another new girl......story and pictures but only if anyone is interested

(actually saw Deena from 12:20 to 1:00 and Capri from 2:00 to 3:30 )


Vyemm Raider
so i met Deena a couple of years ago and we had 2 dates, then i lost touch with her, we reconnected thru facebook and finally got together yesterday, she took the train to meet me near my office and we found a local park to hang out...shes very affectionate and very accomodating, she allowed me to finger her to orgasm, then she took care of me, then she jump on and rode me, while calling me daddy...she loves to dirty talk


Irenicus did nothing wrong
She needs to decide if she's going to have pubic hair or not. I prefer a well trimmed look to bare, but nothing is worse than uneven stubble (ime, I've never fucked a chick with one of those amazonian sized jungles of pubic hair you see on some Indian/Middle Eastern girls, that seems like it would be worse).


Vyemm Raider
so after our date i went back to work only to have capri call me all upset...shes stuck in Camden with no bus i left the office under the guise of doing some field measuring and went and picked her up, which led to a hand job and taking her home


Irenicus did nothing wrong
It was me and ya I been on opiates for a long long time for various things. Years ago they used to stack in 750 mg of tylenol in that shit, also used to take sinus pills with 500mg each in it( 2 at a time 4 times a day ) but not at the same time as the opiates. Basically I've probably averaged 2500 mg of tylenol a day over 15 years when I average it out. Been tylenol free for about 2 months now since they switched me to Tramadol.
But opiates overall used to have a 1% tinnitus rate, but it was never disclosed in the studies if it was the opiates or the tylenol.

I do know a guy who took a ton of opiates over 10 years and I suspect even meth who died at the age of 34 from multiple organ failure. The family said his organs basically liquified over a 2 year period.
Another issue with my ringing ears that makes it even worse is being around drills,nail guns,router table/table saws/mitre saws all day every day.
Yeah I'm guessing your tinnitus was the APAP at that much use. Just be glad it wasn't ibuprofen, or you'd have a hole in your stomach. Might want to get your liver function checked though, 2500mg isn't much as a once off, but every day for 15 years it might have done some damage. But in general the practice of mixing low dose opiates with toxic non-opiate painkillers is really fucked up, it causes a shitload more damage than any benefit it brings (basically none, they increase pain relief by a tiny fraction and they don't prevent abuse).

Over here we have codeine pills up to 15mg that you can buy without a prescription, and every so often when there's nothing else to report on some shitty low grade media outlet tries to whip up a hysteria about people who get addicted to them and end up with fucked up livers or stomach linings. It's stupid, I mean it's fucking codeine, you couldn't OD on the shit if you tried, you can't get too addicted to it because it has a ceiling dose (stops working around 400 - 600mg for most people, and doesn't work at all for 10% of the population), but they insist on including the APAP and ibuprofen, which results in people who are just trying to get their pain relief or catch a small buzz but don't know how to extract the codeine having massive long term health problems. Deaths would godownif they just sold pure codeine pills. Fuck I hate our absurd drug policy.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Dude you have a problem. Seek help. Or at least a higher class of prostitute, those are some low rent hoes. Or is that the appeal? I don't get it.

Also shave your junk. If you're gonna frequent prostitutes at least do them the favor of not having to choke on your pubes.

Oh and holy shit that second one has a massive case of butterface.
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