NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Ssraeszha Raider
Lebron has a triple double. The guy willed that. He was playing so bad for 3 quarters.
Yeah but for a team with no real pg and no real inside presence, getting triple doubles isn't as impressive. Lebron got bailed out at the end of regulation by the Spurs completely shitting the bed and Ray Allen


Vyemm Raider
I think the refs did a poor job. They called a lot of ticky tack fouls, but at the same time they let some serious mugging take place. Both Heat and Spurs fans had plenty of room to bitch about the refs tonight.

But they're talking about it post game: The Spurs choked. It's simple as that. Luckily for the Spurs they aren't "Not 2, not 3, not 4...." so their mistakes aren't magnified by the world.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
I'd like to hate on lebron but he did score 16 out of Miami's 30 4th quarter points


Trakanon Raider
Bosh > Ginobili. Seriously, why that stupid fuck didn't call timeout at the end there I'll never know. Spurs are fucking done. Entire SA bench practically in tears at end.
this. I was like wtf is he doing.

either way ref's didn't do a half ass decent job.


<Gold Donor>
Ginobili post-game: "I have no clue how we're going to be re-energized. I'm devastated."

Get your shit together son, jesus.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol not something you want to hear from your players, he might as well just say "I give up".


Silver Squire
There's a weird effect in playoff basketball and football, where a contact foul that would be called in the first 3 quarters will not be called in the closing minutes of the fourth. Similarly, sub 2 minutes in a 1 possession game in football and defensive backs can get away with more contact on receivers.


Trakanon Raider
Its not a weird effect, imagine if every judgement call in sports erred on the side of blowing the whistle. You just end up with a billion whistles, and the fouls or penalties would almost always end up deciding the game more than the athletes themselves. That's not to say that refs don't make mistakes, they do. But on some level refs have to swallow the whistle in every sport if a play isn't absolutely gratuitous when the consequences of blowing the whistle will absolutely decide the game.

I thought the game was not decided by the officials, it was decided by the players. Namely, the Spurs choked that game away, they missed 2 free throws in the last 40 seconds, none of rest would have mattered if they had hit those 2 shots. Its easy to be mad at the officials because they will always be the most efficient scapegoat, but at the end of the day if both fan bases are pissed at the refs that generally means they did a good job. The heat fans seemed to be pissed with 40 seconds left, and the spurs fans got mad at the end of OT. The eurotravel + ball hack no call was the right call. Additionally the bosh block on green was also a good no call, he had the ball, yes his body still traveled towards green, and his strength contributed to him falling down, but he didn't take out his legs, hack his hand etc. If the benchmark for a whistle in the NBA is falling down, there should be a whistle on almost every position.


Still a Music Elitist
Game was awesome. Not much to complain about with the ref'ing. The ref'ing in the NBA just tends to be pretty bad so it is indeed an easy scapegoat, but this game was all about LeBron going into LeBron mode in Q4 and the Spurs not being able to make FTs.

And Ray Allen with those 3's. Damn.


The "oh shit" look on Parker's face if fkn priceless.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I heard some an audio clip on the radio this morning with some guy all mad outside the arena talking about "this is the last time I come to a Miami game if you don't let me back in!". Yeah, I'm sure they won't be able to sell your future tickets, guy. We have some of the worst fair-weather fans in the world down here, though.


<Gold Donor>
That Tony Parker pic is gold Jerry! Common knowledge that Heat fans are generally thought of as the worst in NBA. I know there ARE real Heat fans, I've just never met one. Lebatard was estimating thousands of empty seats end of regulation. What the fuck.


Common knowledge that Heat fans are generally thought of as the worst in NBA.
It's not just Heat's all sports fan down there in general. Even football has been rocky. When I lived down there I had season tickets for many years. I would say it's heartbreaking to see the people leaving before it was over, but then I lived in Miami long enough to expect this anyways so it wasn't much of a surprise.