NBA 2013?14 Season

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
25 fouls called on miami, 19 on spurs - game was rigged


It should have been over already too. The only reason this is not a sweep is because the Spurs botched the last couple minutes of game 2.


Vyemm Raider
I'll be flying to Denver during game 5, so I won't get to see it. Considering this could be the last game I get to see before the season ends:

1. I want to see a lineup like James, Bosh, Allen, Haslem, Battier/Lewis starting Game 5. I don't care if we lose by 70; I just want to see players on the court that give a shit and put everything they've got into it.

2. Lebron and Bosh are the only two that I feel can escape blame. Lebron did his part, and Bosh has continually sacrificed to do what's best for the team; he's not an inside guy, but he'll guard bigs like Duncan and Splitter. I'd say the bench is sucking, but they were never asked to do much; kind of hard to ask them to step up when they haven't been asked to do so up until the very end. Edit: Ray Allen too, at 38, 39 years old?

3. Wade is done. He is aging so fast and his body is failing him right before our eyes, even with 28 games off. He is my favorite Heat player since I started watching seriously the season before he came into the league, but if rumors are true that he wants max money like Kobe got, he can GTFO. If he takes a pay cut, works on his 3 and is willing to be the 6th man, I would take that.

4. If this is the last season of basketball to ever be played, it has been an honor. The Spurs have perfected basketball. There's no need to be sad if basketball ended forever after this season.

5. I pray for all the real Spurs fans out there; I hope you do not get flooded with fake bandwagon fans after this. I'm not going to lie; it's a thrilling ride but for me personally it's exhausting. I'm a nice guy to everyone (despite the anonymity of the internet giving me free reign to act like a dick, I still treat people the way I want to be treated), and I don't want to tell people I meet I'm a Heat fan anymore. I travel a lot and I just stay quiet watching games at bars because I don't want to talk about the same old shit: "Oh you're a Heat fan? Since when LOL!" "Since you're a Heat fan let me take the time to tell you that the Big 3 suck, Lebron sucks, The Decision sucks, they're pussies for having to team up, your coach sucks (wat?), everything about your team and you and all the other fans suck blah blah blah." Thanks, random person?

I just want to watch some good basketball and cheer for my team without shitting on anyone else. If Lebron leaves, I'm still going to watch every game he's playing in; it doesn't matter which team he's playing for. He's already an all-time great, and nobody knows when a talent like this is coming around again. (This board doesn't bother me because it's all for Gaige lol. Keep up the good work!)

6. Don't sign Carmelo Anthony. Big 3 can take a pay cut, get younger, get a rim protector/rebounder, and get a point guard.

I'm out. Enjoy the Spurclejerk!


Confirmed Male
I'm a spurs fan, grew up in San Antonio with the likes of Willie and Cadillac Anderson, along with all the suck they brought until "the admiral" completed his commitment to the Navy. I don't mind bandwagon fans because even when the Spurs win we have few people who get on it to be honest.

I am just extra happy to see Timmy get his 5th (hopefully) hoping he makes a run for his 6th.

PS I love Lebron. Big fan of his. I would love to see him opt out of his contract with the Heat, and sign with the Spurs.


Still a Music Elitist
I think every NBA fan wants LeBron on their team. LBJ on the Warriors. Mmmm.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sure. But also, it'd feel a lot sweeter to win a title without him than with him. As soon as Lebron moves to your team you know you're going to get hundreds of thousands of "Lebron" fans like Gaige who suddenly love your team even though they don't know a GD thing about it's history other than Lebron is now there. So there's a definite tradeoff.

I do hope Lebron leaves the Heat though, cause their "fans" don't deserve having that squad there.

Close this shit out Spurs.


<Gold Donor>
im a dallas fan, so fuck the spurs. Still would rather see them win than the heat.

Dont even feel a bit dirty saying that.


Riddle me this...
Wizards fan here, they advanced in the playoffs. That's just as good as a championship to me. No need to get greedy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That was a little hard to watch (not really, but still...). Dwayne Wade is a broken man (physically and emotionally). For a team that is down 2-1, on their home floor, that's about as lifeless a performance you're going to see. And yet beyond all that, I can still see some sort of scenario where Lebron wills them to win game 5 and then go into game 6 with momentum.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sure. But also, it'd feel a lot sweeter to win a title without him than with him. As soon as Lebron moves to your team you know you're going to get hundreds of thousands of "Lebron" fans like Gaige who suddenly love your team even though they don't know a GD thing about it's history other than Lebron is now there. So there's a definite tradeoff.

I do hope Lebron leaves the Heat though, cause their "fans" don't deserve having that squad there.

Close this shit out Spurs.
Yeah, but when LeBron leaves then they move with him. And since he will have played for so many teams there is a good chance those douches don't settle on your team as the one they 'root' for after he retires.


Trakanon Raider
I've always liked the Spurs since the Robinson/Rodman teams. I loved Tim Duncan at Wake Forrest. Since I moved to Texas two years ago I've been to over a dozen Spurs games. I own a Spurs hat and have a few Spurs T-shirts (from games I've attended), but I'd still want the Raptors to beat them. I'll be decked out in Spurs gear on Sunday and celebrate the championship if they win, but it's not the same for me as it would be if the Raptors, Vikings, or Cubs ever win a championship.

I don't know what the classification for that is...doesn't really fit the bandwagon definition. I wouldn't even call them my 2nd team...I'm just happy when they do well as long as it's not at the expense of the Raptors. *shrug* Whatever...Go Spurs Go!


Ssraeszha Raider
Miami's championship window is closed unless they make some big changes this offseason. OKC and LAC would have both destroyed the Heat this year and outside of Lebron their whole team is declining rapidly.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm with you guys on most of the discussion but I don't agree with Wade. He's not anywhere near the elite, top 5 player he was during his prime, but even an old, hobbled Wade is still a really good player. Even in these playoffs, an 18/4/4/1.5 guy that shoots above 50% is certainly not hurting his team.

He's on the decline and he's never going to be the player he was in his mid 20s again, but calling him done is a bit much.


Ssraeszha Raider
Wade can't carry a team anymore and isn't healthy enough to be a reliable #2. When he's out there he's still damn good though, even though he shit the place up last night.

Anyways, who wins Finals MVP?


El Presidente
If Leonard plays like last night for the next game or 2, would be him I'd imagine. Could end up being Duncan for a lifetime achievement sort of thing which is stupid, but that kind of shit always happens. Or if the miracle comeback happens, Birdman.