NBA 2021-22 Season Thread - [Insert Whitty Title Here]


Trump's Staff
ime is not married, engaged. and according to TMZ the woman apparently worked in "the front office" was married....
ime's fiance found out a few days ago just before it broke, she just MOVED to boston and they are/were due to be married soon, they had been together for like 11 years or something like that
Well that's conflicting - reports were that it was a consensual engagement. This is looking more like damage control and a "best outcome" look for the team. Coach was going to be suspended no matter what happens, so claiming "unwanted advances" is a shield that lets her both deny accusations, become effectively immune to being fired, and puts all the potential in-office drama on the coach who is going to be punished no matter how silly everything may be.

Stupid move to jeopardize your position? Likely, but uh, according to labor statistics, ~20% of married couples met at work. (this is going down but that's because gen z and younger millennials are gay as fuck in general) It's some archaic stuff, and honestly unless it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she gained due to her relationship, it should be "Ok, and?" for everyone interested in it.

I mean I'm positive that the team in general had a "don't fuck your coworkers" line, and tripled down for anyone in a reporter/reportee relationship. Most companies do. That's just straight up HR damage control though. HR isn't there to help employees - they are there to avoid lawsuits, plain and simple. I still think (at least until more info is revealed) that this is just standard female office nonsense politics that has been elevated to a national stage because of who is involved.

Don’t fuck your coworkers is significantly different than don’t fuck your subordinates.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its hard to watch the NBA some times. These guys are such fucking pussies.
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Potato del Grande
I swear 99% of the punches thrown in the NBA are sucker punches. NBA players are the biggest bitches.

More like 99% of anything dominated by black culture is nothing but sucker punches and bitch moves. So checks out.
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Trump's Staff
How was that a sucker punch? Poole pushed him then dropped his hands and they were looking straight at each other.

You push someone in the chest like that you should probably expect to get punched imminently.
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Still a Music Elitist
Nothing about that was a sucker punch. What, should they put up their dukes and have a round of fisticuffs like it's the 1920s?
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Not a sucker punch. Pretty shitty thing to do to a teammate though.


Potato del Grande
It wasn't mutual combat fisticuffs between gentlemen. If there was a valid point it could be made without ridiculous hyperbole.

It wasn't even that both were posturing. Poole wasn't even chest bumping like "you wanna go?" like dindus do. He was doing the half turn, hands down "nah man" and then Green kept riding him like a like a bitch hoping for a reaction so he could sucker punch him and immediately do the "you see that, he touched me!" that inventors do when they know they were in the wrong looking to justify their chimp out.

Poole pushes him away, which was dumb and if he were ghetto enough should have known a bitch move was coming.

Having literally seen all basketball playing black dude's all fight all the time it was a pure bitch bait move Green was doing to bait the justified "get off me" so he could sucker punch him. Every action from Poole was trying not to fight because he's not an emotionally stunted jogger like Draymond. Ever action by Draymond was to justify what he knew was going to be a calculated sucker punch.

Fuck sake it doesn't take Jane Goodall to decipher the nonexistent nuances of Gorillaz in da hood. Call Poole a bitch, sure, but he was not at any point aggressing or even acting like he expected am actual punch to be thrown.

Not a sucker punch because the professional athlete at work pushed the aggressive manchild away and dropped his hand after not being the aggressor at any point. Look, the guy not tryna fight at work dropped his hands, so couldn't have gotten sucker punched! Da fuq?

Any other player would be immediately suspended, but GSW fans and NBA fags love simping for that shit stain Draymond Green like he's their quintessential noble savage instead of just a savage retard.
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Potato Supreme
Go onto any GSW community right now. No one is defending Dray.
They aren't defending him because he's not receiving a punishment that would actually cost GSW games. Suspend for the first 3 regular season games and watch GSW fans come to.his defense right quick.
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Still a Music Elitist
They aren't defending him because he's not receiving a punishment that would actually cost GSW games. Suspend for the first 3 regular season games and watch GSW fans come to.his defense right quick.

Naw people are pretty upset. If he got suspended 10 games I don't think you'd hear too much dissent.


Trump's Staff
They should both be suspended for the season at a minimum. If I were their employer I’d terminate their contracts immediately. Or maybe ship them off to some bullshit C market team.

While the severity of violence from the two men was disproportionate, they both crossed the line at work.

If the CBA doesn’t allow for this then it it deeply flawed and encourages chimpouts.
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  • 1Picard
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
Both players suspended for the year?

The bigger, more aggressive player with a history of violent and/or emotional outbursts who was the clear aggressor and seemed to be calculated in trying to bait a response enough an escalation in violence would be justified.

And the smaller player whose only aggression was a "get away from me" shove to the clear aggressor.

I agree the NBA sucks because they made preventing chimp outs one of their highest priorities and only made it more apparent the type of players they'll coddle and prop up.

And Poole is a bitch who should have just stepped to Draymond. Which isn't a surprise as the lighter skinned, almost pretty boy that doesn't speak ebonics and my guess was probably not raised with the ghetto mentality that seems to drive so much of this type of nonsense.

And whatever tension was brewing, and it seems there was some, should have been addressed before shit like that could go down.

The both sides are bad perspectives are really stupid though, but understandable from outsiders who perhaps didn't grow up with diversity on a basketball court.

I even get there's an argument to be made that a no fighting policy means both get dinged, but to think it wasn't absolutely a bigger, darker more aggressive thug fully the aggressor is naive. And yes, ironically skin tone and perceived whiteness was probably partially at play.

That's how clown world black ghetto culture is, and what we witnessed was peak ghetto culture that can be witnessed so frequently on the blacksketball court even lil ol white boy me knew what was going down.

People seem surprised Draymond threw a punch. I knew Poole was gonna get sucker punched the second I saw Draymond do the move where you sorta grab near your inner thigh or dick and move toward someone. That was way before Poole's shove.

Doesn't take a biologist to know some of you need to be more careful around wild animals if you can't read such clear tells, don't understand the hierarchies, and think this was just two men mutually going too far with a workplace scuffle.


Trump's Staff
Both players suspended for the year?

The bigger, more aggressive player with a history of violent and/or emotional outbursts who was the clear aggressor and seemed to be calculated in trying to bait a response enough an escalation in violence would be justified.

And the smaller player whose only aggression was a "get away from me" shove to the clear aggressor.

I agree the NBA sucks because they made preventing chimp outs one of their highest priorities and only made it more apparent the type of players they'll coddle and prop up.

And Poole is a bitch who should have just stepped to Draymond. Which isn't a surprise as the lighter skinned, almost pretty boy that doesn't speak ebonics and my guess was probably not raised with the ghetto mentality that seems to drive so much of this type of nonsense.

And whatever tension was brewing, and it seems there was some, should have been addressed before shit like that could go down.

The both sides are bad perspectives are really stupid though, but understandable from outsiders who perhaps didn't grow up with diversity on a basketball court.

I even get there's an argument to be made that a no fighting policy means both get dinged, but to think it wasn't absolutely a bigger, darker more aggressive thug fully the aggressor is naive. And yes, ironically skin tone and perceived whiteness was probably partially at play.

That's how clown world black ghetto culture is, and what we witnessed was peak ghetto culture that can be witnessed so frequently on the blacksketball court even lil ol white boy me knew what was going down.

People seem surprised Draymond threw a punch. I knew Poole was gonna get sucker punched the second I saw Draymond do the move where you sorta grab near your inner thigh or dick and move toward someone. That was way before Poole's shove.

Doesn't take a biologist to know some of you need to be more careful around wild animals if you can't read such clear tells, don't understand the hierarchies, and think this was just two men mutually going too far with a workplace scuffle.
That chest shove by Poole was Inventorish behaviour, and he deserved to get knocked the fuck out. Yes, the bait was by Green, but the escalation to physical altercation was done by Poole.

He was at work. Put your hands up and walk away when Green bodies up to you like that. They’d both be on my shit list for sure.
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<Gold Donor>
Draymond is also a mouthy faggot. So I'm not sure what your point is.
I’d have been fine with it going the other way, sure. The point is I’m always 100% ok with mouthy faggots getting dropped. That it was a fag on fag crime is the icing on the cake
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Still a Music Elitist
And people wonder why this was reported as a white supremacist forum.
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