I actually can't get past the load screen today, after never having that problem before. Chrome browser, completely re-loaded it several times. I started in Grobb (because trolls rule), where everything was fine. Went to Unrest 3, and it just sticks at loading. When I gave up and reloaded, it now says I'm in Unrest 3, but it won't ever enter the zone. So it may be zone specific, since I was able to load Grobb just fine.
EDIT: Yeah, just created a brand new troll shaman, and I loaded into Innothule 3 just fine. No idea why my other character is stuck trying to get into Unrest 3.
EDIT 2: Never having played a shaman before, not sure if this is a new bug or old, but the Frost Strike icon is screwed up. It is like the right 80% of the meditate icon and 20% of a blank icon next to it.
EDIT 3: My icons are moving all over the place again too, AND the Frost Strike icon is actually changing appearance at times, becoming like the corner of 3 icons at once (maybe the red version of the icon is an actual different icon, not just the same one with a red overlay?). And, when I leveled up to 3 (I think?) and it said I got a heal spell, the icon didn't show up and I have no idea how to add it. And none of the hotkeys seem to work. I, E, or G (that's what my Options says Inventory is for whatever reason) don't open the Inventory at all. I have to click the button for all of them. And once you open the Bank, the only way to close it is to drag the window to the side and click Bank again, since 'B' doesn't work.
EDIT 4: Icons for Greater Healing and Scourge showed up after I camped and re-loaded. Frost Strike icon is still screwed up though. And now the Greater Healing icon is whack when on cooldown.
In summary, I think you broke a few things
I'll stop reporting every little thing, since they might be all related and I'll see what the next hotfix does. Sorry for the spam, but I love this game and it is a bummer when it stops working! What will I do with the rest of my day?!