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Your pet shouldn't die too much once you have the pet heal skill. If it is still dying using the heal then the stuff you are fighting is probably too hardHow? When you enter combat, your spells automatically change and there's no option to summon pets
I will probably make the top dungeon quests like l guk 3 and nagafen's lair 3 repeatable.Hi there, I have a small suggestion. I think there needs to be a few more quest hubs when you hit level 50-ish.
Right now, the only quests I have are the Hero Quests Bosses and all I can do is just grind the quests to level up. I finally downed Vox at level 53. Even though that quest conned a dark blue at 50, I couldnt finish it until now.
Instead of just grinding the boss quests over and over, I think you should add a few more quest areas so that the transition to level up for the bosses isn't such a grind.
Sorry to hear that :/ I think I fixed this (again). To this day I've never seen this happen. What browser do you use?Wow I ruined my Manastone and my Crude Stein and my Shimmering Orb (all offhand spellcaster items). I was optimistic that the bug wasn't that widespread, but yup, seems any offhanded item upgraded for a caster, or at least a Mage, makes your spells do 0 damage. Very sad panda :*( was so happy with the Manastone, such good stats, uggggh. fuuuuckk. Logging out for the night :S. Should make it possible to un upgrade while these bugs exist
I know. I was merely responding to the fact that someone asked if it was possible to combat chain pets, and you said it was, I asked how it was possible because it doesn't seem to be and I don't think it is.Your pet shouldn't die too much once you have the pet heal skill. If it is still dying using the heal then the stuff you are fighting is probably too hard
If you can find a front-facing picture of Quillmane that doesn't suck, I'd be happy to replace it.
Dark Elf is where its at for Shadow Knights imo. their racial adds a lifetap effect to all attacks for 12 seconds.... if i get down around 20% health i hit my racial ability, hit grasping frenzy, lifetap, and sometimes harm touch if its up... that usually gets me back close to full health. stun immunity/more HP would be great for the bosses, but for general killing my DE SK is pretty much unstoppable... i always end up aborting my chains early rather than dying/running.Race is a bit more important: for me, every day I wish I had gone ogre over troll. I was suckered in by the lure of hp regen, when I should've known that stun immunity reigned supreme. Of them all, the biggest loser seems to be erudite. A clicky boost to resists? Unless that can go past the 75% cap, I think it is a big stinker. Should've given them a clicky rune; then they would at least be a contender.
Whew, nice find. Hotfixed.Okay, discovered a pretty big game breaking bug. Went to Kedge and tried to start a fight, but nothing appeared. I got a "this zone has been cleared message" but then I noticed if after clicking "select battle" even though nothing appears, if I hit combat to enter the battle, my pet will attack the air and then I will gain experience instantly and for a brief second I will see a shark corpse appear and disappear and I get credit for the quest. So basically I can sit here spamming this and insta kill mobs for free exp AND loot. Just thought I'd let you know, although I guess now I've let everyone else know and they can go exploit it, easily creating a macro where the keyboard hits 1 and then 2 and then you afk with loot filter set at rare and below, but hey, what's the fun in that, no thank you.
Skills leveling up is probably the main thing that is actually making you more powerful as you level. I'd say they're pretty important. How important? I don't know exactly.The only question is should I worry about skills at all. Certainly not attack skills, but what about magic skills? I will most certainly keep a conjuration set for summoning my pet. Alteration seems like it may be necessary, but the only magic skill I care about that uses it is fear, which has a cap to effectiveness. So if I was to go for a magic skill, it would be evocation, for my life tap.
Don't be surprised if racials get revisited or expanded. It was one of the very first things I designed more than a year ago before any class was designed or any item was designed.Race is a bit more important: for me, every day I wish I had gone ogre over troll. I was suckered in by the lure of hp regen, when I should've known that stun immunity reigned supreme. Of them all, the biggest loser seems to be erudite. A clicky boost to resists? Unless that can go past the 75% cap, I think it is a big stinker. Should've given them a clicky rune; then they would at least be a contender.
Damage/delay ratio is a key component of a damage calculation with all melee skills. How fast or slow a weapon is completely meaningless to any skill melee skill outside of a few exceptions like grasping frenzy, which is basically a series of auto attacks.Overall, I feel that wielding a 2-hander should affect cleave and death strike just as it does frenzy. There is just no reason to bother with it, when the bonus to slam far outpaces the bonus to frenzy, with the added benefit of extra survivability. I am still confused over why a weapon's damage and delay actually matters outside of auto-attack.
You're in luck. Talent trees are going in relatively soon. When I'm done itemizing hell and polishing up a few loose ends, talent trees are going in. Here's what I know for sure:Seriously loving this though. Well done Malefyn. Have you written anywhere what your future plans are with the game and what you're currently working on? I'd be interested to see, I'm really loving this project. I hope for backpacks one day and a unique bank with shared bank slots and being able to deposit coinGambling would be loads of fun and the ultimate wet dream would be Alternate Advancement points or Diablo skill tree stuff. I know AA wasn't classic EQ, but this isn't a classic EQ game, not really, anyways. This game mixes the best of Everquest with Diablo and World of Warcraft and that's awesome. The next best thing to add would be cool class builds where people could tinker with things and try to create unique builds. Any plans to add a few more spells and skills to each class? I'm kind of bummed that as a Mage, once in battle I only have 11 abilities. Still great though, nothing at all is redundant, so well done man.![]()