The first round of progression servers I rolled an Enchanter and never regretted it. Clarity was also way more valuable back then, even with increased regen. It was fucking awesome, particularly because the friend I was playing with was a Druid, and when he wasn't on I would just box him. I didn't need a ton of my own boxes, because Charm is so godly and I knew spots that nobody else knew about. When Kunark came out I had the single best leveling spot in the game, I don't care what anyone says, it was the best. And not a soul seemed to know about it, at least for a while. It was an island in Kunark with pirates that hit for a truck and backstabbed for 350 and they dropped incredible loot. Duoing that as Enc/Dru was just godly, it was so fun and I had it all to myself for a good 12 levels, like 39-52.
Haha oh god, and now I just remembered there was this trick in Feerrot. There was this chest at the bottom of the river, some new era quest or some shit, and all you had to do was /open it and you'd get a ton of exp. Again I got super lucky and stumbled upon it first, while doing one of my first Steins of Moggok. I camped that shit for days while at work and level'd so fast, before others knew about it and started coming as well. I got to do that for a good 7-10 days before it was figured out and removed, the exp was insane and required no effort. It was some of the best and fastest exp in the game. A good full group in a dungeon would be better, but because I was working so many hours at the time and could do it while running our server at work in the back room, it was amazing for me.
I seem to remember the first Progression server not having Mages be THAT op. It was Monks that really shined with their ridiculous new age fists. I think it was somewhere in between the first and second round of progression servers that Mage pets were buffed. I mean, they'd been buffed at least once since classic, but they got hugely buffed after the first round of progression servers. So second time around I went a Mage, and was pretty damn godly. But I actually got bored and burnt out way faster then I did the first time around. Enchanter is strong, particularly with a Druid, but things were still a challenge back then. Charm didn't always last the max time and you could die if you weren't careful and didn't have Snare or SoW. So I felt like I had to work a lot harder the first time around, and that personally makes me enjoy the rewards of leveling and getting rich much more. While on my Mage I just owned everything and I just got bored.
I sold at least $1,000 worth of platinum the first time around, because I was so rich. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the richest person on the server (Sleeper) at one point, thanks to the Steins of Moggok and being max JC before anyone else. Not only was I the first to start questing Steins of Moggok, but nobody else was doing them because they couldn't figure out how with Alliance being broken, but if you were smart you could camp Minotaurs in Steamfont for 3 hours and then you had enough faction to do it, but without that and without Alliance, no race/deity of Enchanter could do it. So with my Druid friend's ports I could make 350 plat like every 15 minutes. I was giving away Platinum jewelry to friends of friends of friends, just because I had so much. I even grew to love the new Freeport and it's now nostalgic for me, because I did all my JC there. Getting me to love and feel nostalgic about a revamped zone is nothing short of miraculous, considering how deeply I love the originals (still of course prefer the classic Freeport, particularly since on Veeshan we used North Freeport as a trade spot instead of EC, but I enjoyed the new one too. God, does anyone remember people farming Freeport Sewers because there were new age loots there that were really good? That was also pretty crazy and fun, and then Jaggedpine Forest was the same.
So I guess my point is, each round of Progression servers is worse than the last, which is a shame. But the huge population on Ragefire proves just how much people love it. They should work out a system of just continuously releasing Progression servers and merging them (or hell, just deleting them), sort of like a ladder season of Diablo 2, because people love that race and a fresh server more than anything.