I don't understand how people are taking the bait on this obvious troll. Even better is how some people seem upset that we're not trying to shit on each other over here. Why do you care?
I'm led to believe that people are now rolling on LJ for the express purpose of trying to fuck up a nice thing. If that's true it's sad and the people responsible are a bunch of sad old men. I don't know what the plan is but I'm sure it will get retarded fast.
Yes TFO will sock every mob. We've done this in the past. As far as playing nice I'll just make sure we occasionally invite the rest of the server to sock too.
Right now it's mage crews but soon it will be Sk's they roll. It only escalates. I dont understand why people are so threatened by us having fun in a different way. Or why is it their idea of fun to prevent others from having fun?
Regardless, it won't matter. I'm not playing too much longer (TFO had a "post zaide" leadership in place because we knew I'd only lead the initial rush) so my stake in this is very low.
Here's my thought on how ridiculous it will get. Guilds on both servers will roll Sk crews on their opposite server made just to grief each other. No doubt we'll end up camping an sk and enchanter duo at every raid mob so we can memblur/harm touch combo every raid at 3%.
To the people who are pushing us all towards that path, ask yourself; is your autism ready?