I was thinking about EQ mysteries earlier because I randomly got a memory of hailing Tazgar on my Wizard in 1999 and losing Solro Temple faction and wondered if it still happened. So I started looking at shit and thinking about all the old mysteries and the stat that Verant once gave about 50% of quests in EQ being unsolved. God I started thinking of some amazing memories. No MMO will ever have that again, simply because of the way information and communication and the games themselves have changed. Anyways, never played P99, but found this pretty good thread for those that love the nostalgia and the old mysteries.
Great EQ Mysteries - Project 1999
I remember a big mystery for me was Miragul and Mistmoore and then Wiz epic when Kunark was very early and still unsolved. People would spend hours sitting in every zone they could conceive of being related to their class, hoping some super rare spawn would pop up and be related to their epic. I remember sitting in Erudin near the caster's guilds hoping for something for a good 12 hours, lolol. I also remember exping in Kedge before it had a loot table, and that was insane, it felt so elite, particularly since I was only 42ish in a group of 48-50's. Another good one is the Artifact from West Karana GM event that was a Breastplate that had +15 Regen on it during classic, omfg, insane. Then there was Plane of Mischief. I helped discover a few Necro quest pieces there when during a Vulak raid, I knew things were going south and I was burnt out, so I zoned over before I died and went /anon for 6 weeks and duod with a Nec friend.
Also I remember on Friday nights, my RL friends and I would go do challenging shit just for the fun of it. We didn't care about loot, even though we were all in top 3 guilds on Veeshan, we just had a ton of fun doing the most challenging thing we could. We were a motley crew, BRD/RNG/PAL/PAL, yet we managed to do some insanely cool shit. Or BRD/PAL duoing in fear. God, being a good BRD was so OP back then. I can't say that in modern MMO's, who would spend all night dying and losing exp just to kill something that had no reward, just for the challenge? Dunno, I guess people do it to some extent, but it's not nearly the same. I remember when we got to the 5th island in PoSky that was pretty much the pinnacle of our abilities and it was a pretty insane feat at the time, for a mere 4 of us in Velious. Another thing I did solo, first for the challenge and then for the insanely OP loot, was soloing in PoGrowth in Velious. It was only possible with a Singing Steel Breastplate because 98% summoned and you needed to do heal breaks in between summons and chants. Back then literally every other mob dropped a 120 plat gem, made a ridiculous amount of plat...it was eventually nerfed tho. At the time nobody believed it was possible (maybe a Nec could do it, but not nearly as effective as it was as a good Brd). God I miss old EQ/being 13-16.
Is this thread archived?
Btw, why isn't anyone farming the DE's in Kith? Can probably get RBG's, despite them only first dropping in Seb.
Also, out of curiosity, did anyone ever do this on Prog 1 or Prog 2 during Kunark?
Investigate a disappearance :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM