New Rule: Should we cull all EQ-Neckbeard discussion from game threads?


El Presidente
Good luck attempting to draw a line between valid MMO discussion and an EQ derail. Nearly all EQ derails I see in mmo threads are similar to "Boy I really liked sprawling non-instanced dungeons, I wish MMOs would re-incorporate that.".

Either way I voted no. It's a dumb idea and no moderator will do a good job enforcing it.
This pretty much.

Lost Ranger_sl

Right, no dev'ing in game threads. I don't think that is unreasonable. Unless they go super nazi and the second someone mentions something it gets nailed. My take is that this is only for EQ/dev'ing that turns into a total thread derails.

Look I don't care what they decide to do. I just agree that something should be done. I don't want anyone getting RRP'd because of something like this. As I said earlier though we already have SIX threads dedicated to EQ stuff. Toss in derails and it should be obvious why people are frustrated. The EQ fans need to just dial it the fuck down.

Far as armchair dev'ing goes I think we would all enjoy a very active thread more then a dozen smaller discussions spread out over a dozen threads. It is a pretty popular pass time around here, but it can be handled in such a way that it doesn't always turn every thread into same thing. FoH had a unofficial version and it was popular.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I voted no. There is good honest discussion when comparing MMOs and wanting certain features. Everyone by now should know who to ignore if they don't want to see the really bad/obsessive EQ rose colored glasses diehards that seem to infect every thread.


<Gold Donor>
Jesus, do you tards think I want to go around and snipping out single posts every 30 minutes and moving them?
That's honestly what it sounded like.

I'd change my vote if it was limited to the threads with 5+ pages of derail.


2 Minutes Hate
You guys are goofy. I am just making it a point to try to keep all the good armchair dev discussion in one place. Like we did with the gun control thread in general forums. It's not a perfect science but I think an effort should be made.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You guys are goofy. I am just making it a point to try to keep all the good armchair dev discussion in one place. Like we did with the gun control thread in general forums. It's not a perfect science but I think an effort should be made.
And that's a bad idea, for all of the above reasons. The rule on FOH was that you have a right to be stupid, no one was banned for that. If someone is trolling, that's different.

This is all a kneejerk reaction to one poster in the TESO thread, it shouldn't affect everyone else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys are goofy. I am just making it a point to try to keep all the good armchair dev discussion in one place. Like we did with the gun control thread in general forums. It's not a perfect science but I think an effort should be made.
Then create a thread about it, which you did. That's different than removing posts from one thread and putting them in another thread.

Gun Control thread came about that way. Someone recognized that it needed its own thread and they created it. Free market capitalism thread entrepreneur something something.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Good luck attempting to draw a line between valid MMO discussion and an EQ derail. Nearly all EQ derails I see in mmo threads are similar to "Boy I really liked sprawling non-instanced dungeons, I wish MMOs would re-incorporate that.".

Either way I voted no. It's a dumb idea and no moderator will do a good job enforcing it.
I have faith that Tarrant can moderate all EQ derails. I nominate him.

On a serious note, is there a current derail in a non-EQ thread that is going on? I'd like to see an example.


Ssraeszha Raider
You guys are right, it is a slippery slope.

If this final solution for the EQ problems on rerolled passes, they start by banning people who derail threads into EQ discussions. Then they'll come for those that mention EQ in any way. Then they ban people who have ever played EQ or knowingly harbors those who have. They'll come for the women and children, they don't care.

Well ladies and gentlemen. Understand that history will judge you based on the decision you make today. May God have mercy on your souls


Vyemm Raider
But what about the "open world sandbox full loot permadeath PVP" derails in every new MMO thread fucking ever?


Mr. Poopybutthole
If this final solution for the EQ problems on rerolled passes, they start by banning people who derail threads into EQ discussions. Then they'll come for those that mention EQ in any way. Then they ban people who have ever played EQ or knowingly harbors those who have. They'll come for the women and children, they don't care.

Well ladies and gentlemen. Understand that history will judge you based on the decision you make today. May God have mercy on your souls
And then they'll be gassing us ex-EQ players in camps.
Make people who post in EQ threads have to wear their shame publicly.

I'm thinking an EQ Swastika icon next to their title.

That way good and decent posters can know who to watch.


Voted a "perfect-world" yes, but also see no feasible way to actually enforce it and don't really care enough. Usually just scroll past all the EQ nostalgia unless there's an actual point to it.


Molten Core Raider
Nope, sounds like overmoderation to me

What is this? A communist state?


I think it needs to be more of a FYI to the community at large. "Yes, we know you loved EQ (I did too), but you don't need to bring it up in every goddamned discussion. It's probably already been said and you saying it again won't do jack shit except derail the thread."


Trump's Staff
ya, like EQ is supergame derails are any less annoying than people posting about how much they hate derails. Chill out. It's a video game forum.