New Rule: Should we cull all EQ-Neckbeard discussion from game threads?


I'd pay 100K plat for this

Ah, but how much gold would you pay for this?


Registered Hutt
I like the sentiment, but it should be more broadly for being against derails in general and/or against specifically terrible posters regardless of topic. I don't think enforcement will go over well. I voted no.


Molten Core Raider
Well I'm certainly guilty of bringing up EQ in other game threads, but I only do so because I consider EQ classic to be the best MMORPG ever released, and I see modern games as a step backwards gameplay wise. I'm not the only one who thinks this, which is why people keep bringing EQ up. You compare the new with the best of the old when it comes to anything, not just games. Liking games, however, is extremely subjective so people who dislike EQ are not going to want to hear it. I still play EQ classic, so you can call me a minority but you can't call me blinded by nostalgia.

I can't stand spending much time reading news sites about modern MMORPGs like massively or ten ton hammer because those sites are written by people who think more casual and less interaction make for better games; so I come here, which has more people who like what I do.

What we have is a bad case of MMORPG blue balls from never having a true successor to classic EQ.


Registered Hutt
EQ exists. EQ classic emulators exist. Trying to turn everything into something that exists is dumb. This is one of the bigger problems with the EQ trolls. It's a new game. It's going to have new shit in it. No big developer is going to release anything remotely like classic EQ. So a conversation on that point is a masturbatory sideshow. EQ Next is the last best hope for this train of thought, and I find it highly unlikely that they'll pursue EQ's methods over the alternatives.


<Gold Donor>
I voted no. I'll change it to yes if every thread is moderated to keep all discussions and comparisons of other games are kept out so that every merit or flaw of the game is made in a vacuum.


Trakanon Raider
EQ exists. EQ classic emulators exist. Trying to turn everything into something that exists is dumb. This is one of the bigger problems with the EQ trolls. It's a new game. It's going to have new shit in it. No big developer is going to release anything remotely like classic EQ. So a conversation on that point is a masturbatory sideshow. EQ Next is the last best hope for this train of thought, and I find it highly unlikely that they'll pursue EQ's methods over the alternatives.
this is pure conjecture and quite frankly, utter bullshit. no one is going to make a game remotely like EQ again? so you think that the MMO industry is just going to keep making colossal failure after colossal failure of WoW clones? no one is saying to make a game exactly like the original everquest; that would be stupid. what a lot of people who liked everquest want is a game that is similar in play style to what EQ offered: class diversity (and lots of classes to choose from), non instanced content, giant, non linear dungeons, meaningful loot, less hand holding, and class interdependency. there's no reason why any of these things couldn't be included in a modern MMO, and there's no reason why any game couldn't expand on these things and add new concepts as well. to believe that everyone in the world wants to play a MMO exactly like warcraft is pretty naive, and downright wrong.


Vyemm Raider
This is how it starts...

The thread that is about removing EQ derails, is about to get EQ derailed. That is inception level irony.


Until they make an MMO 1/8th as good as EQ, I'm curious why the mention of other MMO's are not a punishable offense.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
the MMO industry is just going to keep making colossal failure after colossal failure of WoW clones?
Thing is, there have been extremely few colossal failures of WoW clones. I think SWTOR might be one. Because what you consider a colossal failure and what the industry considers one are different things.

Almost all of these WoW clones MMO have made back their original investment. In the world of large companies gaming, a game that pays back itself is a success. That's why they're so easy to convert into F2P format when subs drop down: you are only worried about paying infrastructure (whose costs have plummeted over the year), and getting profit, with a few % to a skeleton crew doing bug fixes and working on a small-scale expansion maybe.

So, at this point, there is still little market signal saying "stop doing those WoW-type MMOs". They still do well. It's no longer moneyprinting land, like the heady days of the noughties, but it's still good money, if you can refrain from investing too much because you have an IP that can't fail. I'm guessing we'll see WoW clones for half a dozen years at least. I mean, at that point, any industry player can make a WoW clone in its sleep, the only real costs are content production, which you offload to Korea or China.

Then, in 2020, we're going to see The Crafting of Minewars, which no one saw coming, does completely different stuff which isn't even remotely EQish, and the market will shift.


Buzzfeed Editor
Terrible idea. You know what usually happens? Usually those arm chair dev derails are the only thing that keeps thread discussion going for the weeks between new info on games. I always find it hysterical how a thread dies for weeks, and then three or four people start to get into an arm chair dev debate and inevitably one person comes in and say "ZOMG RUINING THE NON-EXISTENT DISCUSSION GAGRBABABALALA...I need my forum tumbleweeds to be in harmony! JIMMIES RUSTLED!"!

People who can't navigate through a derail are as bad, or worse, than the EQ neckbeards.

Also, attempting to limit MMO discussion on an MMO board. Yeah....Discussion is good as long as it's not outright trolling. You know how dull this place would be without the constant commentary on everything?

Edit: On a personal note, this is what I was talking about when the board first launched. It helps when the head of the community isn't "down in the trenches" day to day. I know you're fighting the good fight against rose colored glasses in like 5 threads, Draeg. But decade old board policy shouldn't change just because youcanchange it now.


Here's how I see the problem. Some guy does some armchair deving in the TERA thread and mentions Guk. Fine so far. The next poster says he's an idiot and Guk wasn't all that. Now we're in a flame war about EQ and some other poor bastard opens up the TERA tread and all he sees are EQ posts. IMO, every post should reference the thread topic at least a little.
Stupid idea. The board really doesn't need such heavy hand-holding. Tossing out infractions on top of that is beyond retarded.

Let the discussions run their courses. If someone is being an idiot then shout him down, neg him, and talk about something else. Ignore function is always there if your jimmies are sufficiently rustled. The tools to deal with this problem already exist. Also, it's pretty fucking funny that Draegan and Sean initiated this vote after being crucial members of the discussion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is a retarded idea... Doesn't surprise me Draeg is for it though. Deep down he hates EQ and down right loathes anyone who posts about it. The "neckbeards" weren't even free to post in the
EQN thread about what they wanted to see incorporated from orignal EQ without being harassed. Maybe you should of left them run free instead of trying to dictate how the conversation went?! At least there was context there. This is turning into a case of its my ball and I'm taking it home...