They have already pushed a few patches since closed beta, which is good. Usually the downtime is very very brief.
But also, why didn't they already do these things since they knocked them out so quickly? i'm torn.
I hear what you're saying, and you aren't wrong. The thing is that I wanted to continue my experience of the beta where I left off the day before. That was not possible, so I chose to not start over again.This is beta, though; its a great opportunity to learn the game and provide feedback. All the time you spend mining and anything else is going to be wiped so enjoy it (or not) and don't get too attached to anything, really. I understand if now isn't the time to want to play at all, for a host of reasons.
Seems to me like they spent more time setting up the framework to do those things quickly, than actually make the game they wanted.
The beta seems far improved on that end. I'm excited at the pace they have stuff coming out, personally - it means future content won't take too much work at all.
Also really excited to see when O3DE hits New World. Think they're using the 1.x version of Lumberyard.
O3DE, when completed, will be SO MUCH BETTER than current LY.
Pretty much. People are so full of desperate hope that they are ignoring all the glaring problems. I genuinely hope I'm wrong and this game pulls off a miracle, because right now I don't have shit to play. I'm playing a bit of ff14 and a bit of p99, but nothing I'm really supper passionate about or having a blast on. So I'd kill for a good MMORPG to play every day, but this fucking game does not look remotely close to that and I think it's going to be dead in a month as well. I won't be surprised if the actual release is way smaller than this so called beta.No point even talking to you bro. You're still subscribing to the basic tenant that we should give players what they "think" they want. How has the worked out for any game? People need a challenge. They need things to aspire to. Did I ever get 100 animal taming in UO? Fuck no, but seeing a dude with his dragon and nightmare sure looked appealing.
I'm not advocating for a direct copy, but if you aren't willing to put in the work to be a GM smith or whatever then you shouldn't be one. Tell me do you think throwing loot at players in WoW has placated the masses or made them burn out faster?
You can cling to hope all you want, but this game is DOA. I fucking guarantee it. Maybe they'll turn it around like FFXIV in a few years, but there is absolutely zero hook here. It may seem great to you that everyone can do everything, but the human condition does not thrive in that type of system. Human beings want challenge, they want uniqueness. This game offers none of that.
you could just try it and not rely on people to tell you what you do or don't have fun doing?Seems like a lot of YouTube reviews are coming out now, and it doesn't sound like anyone really likes it.
It really seems like it's a stopgap to play anything until something better comes out.
I literally had zero interest in the game when it was a survival game. As soon as I heard that, I was done with it. The only reason I bought it to do the closed beta is because they changed the game design away from that model.I think its more they had no clue what game they wanted. It started as one thing, switched to another, switched to another. All the pve content(dugenons) have all been added in recently. The game really has/had an identity crisis. Almost as if the management had no clue what type of game they wanted and listened to a different "expert" each time they made changes.
It would of been interesting to see what the original setup would be like after this many years of development. iirc the original game was a survial game with building. A conan exiles type game.
Well like I've said before, this isn't a MMORPG in the vain of EverQuest, WoW, FFXIV, etc.Pretty much. People are so full of desperate hope that they are ignoring all the glaring problems. I genuinely hope I'm wrong and this game pulls off a miracle, because right now I don't have shit to play. I'm playing a bit of ff14 and a bit of p99, but nothing I'm really supper passionate about or having a blast on. So I'd kill for a good MMORPG to play every day, but this fucking game does not look remotely close to that and I think it's going to be dead in a month as well. I won't be surprised if the actual release is way smaller than this so called beta.
Seems like a lot of YouTube reviews are coming out now, and it doesn't sound like anyone really likes it.
It really seems like it's a stopgap to play anything until something better comes out.
Pretty much. People are so full of desperate hope that they are ignoring all the glaring problems. I genuinely hope I'm wrong and this game pulls off a miracle, because right now I don't have shit to play. I'm playing a bit of ff14 and a bit of p99, but nothing I'm really supper passionate about or having a blast on. So I'd kill for a good MMORPG to play every day, but this fucking game does not look remotely close to that and I think it's going to be dead in a month as well. I won't be surprised if the actual release is way smaller than this so called beta.
Do people actually think this game will last? Or are people just playing it because the launch/beginning of an MMORPG is always fun.
I watched some streams during the last wave of beta and everyone's fun lasted for about 2 days tops and then it was crickets. Even the forums/subreddit were dead. And it has only been a couple months since than. I don't see how they created enough content since than to maintain people's interest for more than a week tops.
The MMO way. It's so funny how missing just one day so often = never log back in, or at least a very long break.
I'll see you in a couple weeks when the game is dead.
Genuinely hope I'm wrong, but there's a lot of copium being passed around.
As far as I can tell, the only way this game survives past 2 weeks is if the PvP is so god damn fun and repeatable that people keep playing it. That also relies on a huge PvP playerbase.
I just built a new gaming PC for the first time since, like, 2007. I hope the game does rock and that it stays alive so I can use this new beast. But I'm not super hopeful because unlike some copium smokers, I am able to remember all the other failed MMORPG's that didn't have enough content and could not make it appear in such a short period of time.
Sounds like people are retarded. There isn't an absurd amount of running unless that's how your playing the game IMO. Maybe do some gathering while you travel or other stuff?People go by reviews. Nothing new. For me personally, I have Amazon gift cards coming out of my asshole.
Overall, the initial parts have been fun and it's something new to play - but the massive travel sinks here can suck my ass. I spent the majority of my time running place to place because of that bullshit 60 minute zone to Inn timer - I cannot travel to a Camp unless I am at some totem or something ? (I might be missing something here) but even then it's typically 700-1000m to the quest area anyway and it takes 5 minutes to fucking get there.
The problem comes down to I want to play the game not hit "=" and watch Netflix.
They need to set the cool down timer for the Respawn to Inn to 15 minutes tops so you can at least get back to the quest hub in a quicker fashion. Even WoW had minimization here since Vanilla. Otherwise the stupidest work around is to respawn out of the menu back at the Inn and take a durability hit in which you do not lose that much gold anyhow for repairs. It's cringe worthy design here. Quit using travel as a time/level sink.
Other than that, there are a lot of initial things here that look good under the hood from at least the territory aspects
The game doesn't need to pull off a miraclePretty much. People are so full of desperate hope that they are ignoring all the glaring problems. I genuinely hope I'm wrong and this game pulls off a miracle, because right now I don't have shit to play. I'm playing a bit of ff14 and a bit of p99, but nothing I'm really supper passionate about or having a blast on. So I'd kill for a good MMORPG to play every day, but this fucking game does not look remotely close to that and I think it's going to be dead in a month as well. I won't be surprised if the actual release is way smaller than this so called beta.
Sounds like people are retarded. There isn't an absurd amount of running unless that's how your playing the game IMO. Maybe do some gathering while you travel or other stuff?
You can fast travel to destinations once you level up a bit and finish quests higher that give you the mats, along with places your faction controls. Sorry the game didn't start you with a sippy cup and a turbo insta dragon mount from the jump. In WoW you didn't get a mount until level 40 and hearth was 60minute cooldown. The barrens was a 10minute+ autorun alone. Have you ever played an MMO?
Admittedly, they probably are making the world feel a bit larger by not having mounts though, but I think the world size feels "good", not great, right now running through like two of the available areas. By 60 might feel smallish. I don't think you need mounts at low levels.
They were exploiting the 5 min timer on the town board quest thingie and had people in their guild and viewers feed them mats to finish them without actually doing any of the gathering.Just turned on twitch - how the hell is someone 59 already since I thought it slowed to a crawl after 20ish?