Just like every other Funcom game, they needed like a year more content creation, fixing shit, balancing shit..etc... Its like the same fucking mistake over and over with every mmo they made. You would think that aftert he first disaster which was AO and its horrid release and content in upper levels..etc... They would have learned their mistakes, but no, AOC had the same shit except you could actually plaqy it at launch, AO not so much with the slide show laag, that is if you could even log in.
But make no mistake every game they made was special, unlike the other copycat bullshit every other company was doing. From combat, to progression and even far ahead of its time systems they had, their games were all gems in my eyes. I mean, just look at the chat system that AO had. It was fucking amazing. Guilds could track entire roster with bots and shit, from DKP and hours spent raiding, etc... No other game since had anything like it. The game was first to have instances, first mmorpg to have generated instanced dungeons, generated mission content, first to have their piublic dungeons to spawn new instances based on the amount of people playing... First flying mounts? Fuck yeah! Gimme the yalmaha! I didnt play much AoC past the first month or so but I do remember its unique combat. And New world was entirely different than other mmorpgs. From questing, the player skill systems to the combat, it was all new and cool for the time.