I dont think anyone (legitimately) has stepped up to the plate to lead one. More of a friends list to do shit with idea in my mind. Not an overwhelming presence on the boards, so recruiting and all that goes with leading a guild is going to be a tall order. I personally just dont have it in me to do it again in a new game.Yeah, what faction we going? And whose rolling the guild? is it gonna be official FOH? or you guys gonna name it something gay like?
You're going El Dorado, no?
Feels like the eve before President's day with how excited I am.
El Dorado pstany consensus on a NA West server?
where'd you land, Xerge?
NW info dump
Home - New World Database - info database
New World Forge - Game Database, Guides and Tips - guides, database, news
New World Talents, Builds and Skills Calculator - NWCalc - builds and skills calculator
New Axe - build calculator
NewWorldFans.com | Builds, Guides, Database & Tools for Amazon's New World MMO news, guides, builds, database
New World Map | Resource Locations, Named Mobs, Dungeons and Lore Pages | NewWorld-Map.com - interactive map
New World Wiki - new world wiki
New World Pacifist - in depth explanation of new world's drop rate
Unofficial New World Fishing Guide - in depth guide for fishing
New World Fishing Hotspots Unlock Order List - Fishing tool
Important to know and may change slightly on release. Equipping a shield is pointless if you're not going S&S
Remember houses have a teleport function and each house is on it's own cooldown.
El Dorado pst
Vingolf est
nope. Price of entry is cheap thoIs this free or cheap for Prime members?