Question for yall computer savy people. This game runs like shit on my PC with a bunch of stuttering and whatnot, Last Epoch does the exact same.
I know its not the game, as this just started to happen when I got this new heavily touted 48 inch C1 OLED TV to use. Most games run flawlessly, but this one has the same issue as my Last Epoch game. Like every time I move the mouse, the frame rate drops to 0. Currently have 1080ti, 32 gig ram, forget the processor..but was one of the top of the line last year etc.
What setting am I missing ? I am not blaming the game, but there is something very amiss with this monitor.
I know its not the game, as this just started to happen when I got this new heavily touted 48 inch C1 OLED TV to use. Most games run flawlessly, but this one has the same issue as my Last Epoch game. Like every time I move the mouse, the frame rate drops to 0. Currently have 1080ti, 32 gig ram, forget the processor..but was one of the top of the line last year etc.
What setting am I missing ? I am not blaming the game, but there is something very amiss with this monitor.