New World


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of the harvesting skills, I spent yesterday working on getting fishing to 100 (at 96). Since they removed gold from the chests, it's literally a 100% outflow (I keep wanting to say net negative, but net implies a balance where it's tilted to negative, and there's no inflow whatsoever). I spent 150 or so gold on repairs, and fishing itself generates nothing.

I can sell stuff on the trading post, possibly, but that's a neutral activity (my gold just comes from someone else).

If I only wanted to fish or harvest fiber from here on out, eventually I will completely run out of money just in repairing (or buying new) tools.
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
info on economy with charts
'Also I want to remind everyone that there is a big gold bonus (10x) for your first 3 faction mission each day. This isn’t well communicated in the UX, so we’ll work on improving that. So make sure you run 3 faction missions each day to help your personal gold balance.'

Love when people mention shit weeks after launch. 'didn't you know about it?', assholes.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What is funny is that the real world shows you this is going to fail spectacularly if something is not changed. It is nice to have a house. People enjoy furnishing a house. It provides some convenience. If a game is going to penalize my enjoyment to such a degree as to have to do things I do not enjoy, then why own the house? This in turn removes a good portion of how they plan to make money. The idea is to make housing really friendly so that players pay real money for the furnishings. If players no longer want to own a house then they will not pay for the furnishings. The company looses money.

'Also I want to remind everyone that there is a big gold bonus (10x) for your first 3 faction mission each day. This isn’t well communicated in the UX, so we’ll work on improving that. So make sure you run 3 faction missions each day to help your personal gold balance.'

Love when people mention shit weeks after launch. 'didn't you know about it?', assholes.

Ok, I am going to log in and test this.

Yep, made 185 Gold in 5 minutes. So there is a daily that apparently is not advertised.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
"We're happy where it is at" = kiss of death. What they intend isn't worth shit if the playerbase is unhappy then they quit and everything starts collapsing. 60s are not happy.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Agree with Mahes here. I'm not going to bother to pay the tax on my house, it's too much of a gold sink. Everything at 60 is too much of a gold sink without the carrot. I want progression, not regression. At 60, most of my activities are net neutral or a loss. That 185 gold will repair 2 items at best at my level. (Yes I'm aware the 60 faction quests might be better gold, but I hate daily quests, and high level ones take 40 minutes of running)

They could make a killing selling furniture on the marketplace, or even sunglasses like the quest giver Dr. Theophrastus wears in game :p But instead, people just aren't going to log in.

Bonus points for them mentioning Outpost rush as a way to make gold. So sadistic, twist that knife more.

Closed a portal, got 0.5 gold. Just 1000 more of those and I can respec once!
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<Gold Donor>
It says on the top of the faction board 3/3 daily rewards remaining or whatever, and it says in the ui somewhere that the rewards were boosted by the daily reward. Thing is, the UI is just so bad at reporting information that you prob never even noticed the increase money. Shit, I'll be running along and hear the 'caching' and a) not see what was sold on the market board and b) not see how much I even made. There is no log in the chat log so you just never know. You can check your closed and expired sales on the market board itself, but they just mix all the expired and sold ones together.

Does high end gear look awesome?
Doesn't matter. In any game with an in game cosmetic shop, I never think "wow where is that cool armor from? I aspire to get to 60 so I can do the content where that drops!" I think "who gives a shit, come guy swiped his credit card." You can care about how well someone puts together their outfit or how your personal outfit looks, but noobs aren't going to be in awe of your hard earned gear when there are "better" skins available for USD.


Ancient MMO noob
Actually GW2 legendary weapons/gears (requires tons of farming) do look awesome, and the game does has a cosmetic shop. I think its one of the very very few MMOs who has a great balance.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I dont know about that. Just about all of the NPC faction armor (angry earth, lost, ancient etc.) all look fantastic, but you can get most of it while leveling. The voidbent armor for heavy, medium and light looks fantastic. Most legendary weapons/shields look amazing, too. The armor in just about all scenarios in this game looks better than the cosmetic shop armors in my opinion. I havent seen shit I would buy off there. I would be interested in the emotes - but the price they want for them is outlandish at best. But I get it, they have to make money.

Which leads me to one of my ongoing concerns about this game. Just about every MMO, even the ones with subs, have a cash shop. By all accounts, New Worlds cash shop has one of the weakest selections of shit to buy that Ive ever seen in any of them. They've "said" that the Dunes update is free, but we have no idea when that is - so the content updates that I would think we would have to pay for is bound to be at least a few months away at best. So where is the next infusion of cash going to come from? A content update, even at $20 bucks, is going to be bought by everyone. Not some cheezy shit armor skin that 1 in 1000 people buy. I know amazon is funding this, but they arent morons. Theyre going to down size the team and more if the game isnt making more than a pittance after costs. They apparently have a high schooler working on the in game economy, but I highly doubt some over educated accountant isnt looking at the books.


<Gold Donor>
Another problem im starting to see is how top heavy this game is becoming. More and more people that are 60 are being funneled into 3 zones to farm gear. They better add on some more shit quick before we all fight for mobs in shattered.

Also on the money thing, I generate gold by farming. When doing elites im constantly going into my inventory and salvaging shit because of space. That shit is like 3-4 gold a salvage. If youre not big into crafting, those mats that drop are worth about 1 gold per.

We did the 65 portals last night to level up our noobs that are still int he 50s. I have fucking 43 boxes in my inventory that I have to salvage. Thats roughly 135 gold for about 2 hours worth of work, and not to mention the azoth and gold that drops from those as well. Then you have the gear itself which still sells if its good for 200-300 golds per. some even sell the shit for more but I just want that shit gone from the shop so I have room for more.

I started last night with about 18.5k gold after purchasing some bottled azoth to get around and right now im sitting on 21.2K and I still have a full inventory AND those boxes to open.
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Vyemm Raider
Agree with Mahes here. I'm not going to bother to pay the tax on my house, it's too much of a gold sink. Everything at 60 is too much of a gold sink without the carrot. I want progression, not regression. At 60, most of my activities are net neutral or a loss. That 185 gold will repair 2 items at best at my level. (Yes I'm aware the 60 faction quests might be better gold, but I hate daily quests, and high level ones take 40 minutes of running)

Closed a portal, got 0.5 gold. Just 1000 more of those and I can respec once!
There are repair kits that literally repair your item for 0 gold. You also get money sometimes from the mobs at the portals as well as drops from chests which you can salvage or potentially even use/sell, especially the big portal rewards. Idk what everyone's problem is. I have two houses, a few sets of armor for luck/pvp/skinning/crafting and am 200 armoring/cooking/tanning and I still have 15k left.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just from my casual observation, many more people are bowing out already.

Was in a guild that had 80+ people. Logged in for the first time in a few days and see only 3 of 73 online, most offline now for 3+ days. Certainly not an alt issue, as you can only have 1 toon per server.

Wars are won or lost in less than 10 mins, other pvp is virtually a non starter, portals are boring as fug, and there is almost literally no carrot dangling at the end of a super long retarded grind.

Some good ideas here, but very poorly implemented. First game I ever played that had a chat system was EQ1 I think, and its chat system is 10x better than this.

Game should have been left in the oven for at least another 6 months to a year.
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Trakanon Raider
Ah yea, soloing elite mob for a quest in a house and when its almost dead pushes me into a wall and fully resets. Great game.
  • 3Worf
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
There are repair kits that literally repair your item for 0 gold. You also get money sometimes from the mobs at the portals as well as drops from chests which you can salvage or potentially even use/sell, especially the big portal rewards. Idk what everyone's problem is. I have two houses, a few sets of armor for luck/pvp/skinning/crafting and am 200 armoring/cooking/tanning and I still have 15k left.

Those cost hundreds of repair parts, and repair only one item. That won't help with the rest of your armor, or god help you if you keep 1 or more gearsets on you lol.

I think I'm bowing out too. I'm the only one left in my company lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ah yea, soloing elite mob for a quest in a house and when its almost dead pushes me into a wall and fully resets. Great game.
Had that happen with the elite boss in Restless Shores. Had to solo it because the first time (when people were there) I somehow didn't get credit.

Ended up pushing me through the wall and outside. Somehow I was able to clip back through the wall but the boss reset. Took like 15 minutes to whittle it down. Was fucking super annoying.

But also made me think there is almost definitely an exploit possible with that. Just not sure what it is.
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Vyemm Raider
Those cost hundreds of repair parts, and repair only one item. That won't help with the rest of your armor, or god help you if you keep 1 or more gearsets on you lol.

I think I'm bowing out too. I'm the only one left in my company lol.
A few dungeon runs legit gives you max repair parts. What you do is you wait til your item is broken and then use the repair kit. Might also help to stop sucking and dying so much too probably lol. Invest in some heavier armor or phys/ele dmg reduction gems and some con food or something /shrug
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Those cost hundreds of repair parts, and repair only one item. That won't help with the rest of your armor, or god help you if you keep 1 or more gearsets on you lol.
Even before I started grinding trades, I was always 2000/2000 with scraps. Now that Im grinding out 1000's of items, I max salvage in one haul after making a few. Not the most genius system, but its pretty easy to get salvage parts nonetheless. Definitely wouldnt buy that dumb shit off the market though.
I think I'm bowing out too. I'm the only one left in my company lol.
Not really directed at you Rob, but this is pretty much the reason people that enjoy the game on some premise are quitting. Everyone that actively groups with each other in their company is still playing it. But then you see people that never grouped with anyone, never talked with anyone in the company, etc. and they quit the game. Hell ya its fucking boring if you cant do half the content, much less complete elite quests as you level. You could sit and watch Recruitment for 30 minutes, or ask someone to help you and knock it out entirely in 5 minutes. Long story short, whenever transfers come up - anyone is welcome to join us on Vingolf. But it'll be pointless if you dont ever say anything or interact with any of us lol.


<Gold Donor>
Just from my casual observation, many more people are bowing out already.

Was in a guild that had 80+ people. Logged in for the first time in a few days and see only 3 of 73 online, most offline now for 3+ days. Certainly not an alt issue, as you can only have 1 toon per server.

Wars are won or lost in less than 10 mins, other pvp is virtually a non starter, portals are boring as fug, and there is almost literally no carrot dangling at the end of a super long retarded grind.

Some good ideas here, but very poorly implemented. First game I ever played that had a chat system was EQ1 I think, and its chat system is 10x better than this.

Game should have been left in the oven for at least another 6 months to a year.
Yeah I logged in to pay my housing tax and saw 2/93 online with majority not logged in for days. I joked during beta this game needed another year but that may have been generous. It became obvious at 38 that much of the mid and almost all of the end game wasn’t tested near enough, the economy in particular could not have been given less thought.

Incoming “ThE GaMe dOEsnt sTARt UnTIl 60!11!”
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