Avatar of War Slayer
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Degenerate gameplay is farming Fay for hours upon hours to raise your WM score. Theyve tried to address it several times and I guess they finally said fuck it and nerfed his ass into the ground. Good luck to anyone that tries to get the named Rapier or Hammer as a Legendary, now.What is warranted? I was complaining about how degenerate the chest run zergs were for weeks, but their "solution" wasn't a solution at all. I don't even see why they were a problem in terms of amount of loot gained. It was once a day and it still took time. The best loot always came from a single group killing high level elites, and you didn't get that in the zerg runs. I thought the obvious fix was simply to make it so mobs around chests had to actually die to be lootable, and then at least you'd not have huge zergs running around never killing anything.
Either way, they are a mere symptom of the real problem, which is lack of content and the dungeon key system and OPR giving truly garbage rewards. It funnelled everyone into chest runs, so of course they were zergy and were a mess.
They could have vastly improved the loot from high level elites and then locked the loot to only the party that did the most damage and/or even made it so elite chests were only lootable by the party that most recently killed the elite guarding it and I bet you'd find the zerging would decrease vastly real fast. But instead they went with the dumbest, laziest "fix" ever and all it has succeeded at doing was making things worse.
I just wonder if they realize how little time they have to fix things. Apparently they are on vacation? Lol for how long? Because they are literally running out of time every HOUR. I guarantee you if they don't do something drastic to fix/reverse this shit, the total playerbase won't surpass 50k in 2 weeks from now.
As far as Myrkgard goes, I can at least see what theyre "trying" to accomplish. Theyre going about it in the most brain dead, laziest way possible. But somewhere in that cesspool of a forum there is a dev post stating that they want the difficulty of 64-66 to be similar across the board. First thing that comes to mind is Arena's being the most difficult, and if you want to make Arena's a lot easier as a player you need coatings, honing stones, +dmg Weapon, absorption gear and trophies. More often than not, the people doing Myrkgard have a WM down in the low 500's and they sure af arent using any of the shit I just mentioned. They could go do f'n Mangled Heights and get through that very easily and still get the same amount of WM upgrades in less time without busting their balls. Are people going to do that with how the game currently works, pre or post patch, no the fuck they arent.
Do they need to link chests elite chests in some type of way to the main party? They sure af do and I dont disagree with you at all. Have they been heavy handed with a lot of shit? Yes tf they have. Scorpius, a lvl 50 elite zone, being a prime f'n example of that. 8+ Tentacles on the way into the place that have 2-3 Million HP a piece. Who the fuck thought that was a bright idea?
Im not excusing the decisions theyve made by any means. Again, theyre going about this in the stupidest fucking way. And again, *if* they get their shit together - the game will be fantastic. But we're talking months and months of devs with their head up their asses before they stop being lazy and start making educated changes. Much less is the game in dire need of content, which you're right - would fix so many problems.
The orb/key shit needs to flat out GO THE FUCK AWAY - if they want to keep that shit in, they need to make them standard for Mutated dungeons and thats it. Which that is the only reason I can assume that theyre in, but since theyre so deep in the mud with fixing shit and dealing with petty problems like the fucking mini map.. theyre dragging ass with Mutated Dungeon implementation.
Those of us with 100's of hours into this game can probably write a rant a mile long, cause I sure af can keep going. But its just not worth it. Only thing we can do as players is just quit playing, or play it for what the fuck it is. Either way, this shit aint changing anytime soon.
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