I'm pretty sure an equipment manager will hit before mounts.Mounts will be likely be the first major thing of the new year.
Personally I would rather have that then mounts.
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I'm pretty sure an equipment manager will hit before mounts.Mounts will be likely be the first major thing of the new year.
Let me know. Will reinstall and make something on whatever server.I have no idea what Im doing from day to day, but Im sure Ill look into it leisurely.
17th* Brimstone Sands Release Date and Character XP Eventbonus exp till the 15th, time to finally get to 60 i guess lol
There were many issues that made me quit the first time.XP was never the issue. Wife and I spent exactly two months playing this and power grinded all the way to 60, leveling crafting along the way, with zero issue. The problem is once you are there that the gear grind is super heinous and there just was not much to do. Granted, we are PvE people and jumped into this entirely because some friends wanted to PvE with us as a static group, but still.... Orb blocking zones that you then also had to grind to get tiny fucking needle moves was Korean levels of grind. We did one dungeon run and promptly quit the next day when we saw where things were headed.
Short clip on the sound effects creation process for new world.
Installing it on my COVID computer right now. Just in case we get the band back together. If they stopped teleporting from making your asshole bleed gold and got rid of crafting keys for fucking dungeons this could be a good time waster. Well, maybe. The 97 different banks in every fucking town was also AIDS.The sound was the one thing that a huge amount of people took away from this game as fantastic.