TL;DR - Fun as shit leveling up first time, Unfun as shit grindfest at max level.
I really enjoyed the game while I leveled up a character to max. Beautiful game, great sound effects and music. Amazing combat compared to all other mmorpgs. Love the storage system. At some point along the way though, the music stopped working on the game.. the background music was still there, but not the main music. That was the first thing that kind of soured me on it. I tried for weeks by submitting tickets, reinstalling, updating drivers, etc. Amazon CS is absolutely the worst I've ever dealt with, I just gave up.
I would have kept playing but once you get to main level and you really start to see how much of a grind it is to progress it's just daunting. You have to level up each item by farming shards or gems or orbs or some shit, I forget now it's been a few months, and you're expected to maintain multiple sets of gear with multiple sets of resists. if you want to have multiple weapon specs you need multiple multiple sets of gear to support all this. After getting to max level for a month or so and realizing I only had enough resources to fully upgrade like 2.5 pieces of gear I was just burned out. It's just too much. The grinding isn't fun. The elite chest runs are just awful zerg train opening chests and listening to people yell at eachother for not killing mobs.
I found the pickup groups to be pretty toxic, maybe it was just because I started late and wasn't as elite as everyone else. Holy shit when I was toying around with a bow build did I have people jump all over me and threaten to kick me out of the group if I used it. Maybe I got unlucky, I don't suck at mechanics or optimizing rotations but maybe it was clear I was undergeared and doing less damage and that's why I got the hate. I just know going from FFXIV to this game was night and day in community.
Pvp I couldn't really dick around with, there was too much rubberbanding , targetting issues , lag. I have fiber with mid level connection (~400gb/s d ~200gb/s up) and a pretty good gaming rig. Was a bit disappointing as it looked fun.